Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We have gone from ”we need a safety net so the poor won't starve”,to ”we must force the Catholic Church to pay for birth control so that poor college students can have sex”. #teaparty #tcot #tlot

We have gone from ”we need a safety net so the poor won't starve”,to ”we must force the Catholic Church to pay for birth control so that poor college students can have sex”.
How did we get here?
Once you set ”need” as the standard of value,it is only a matter of time until todays reductio ad absurdum of the right becomes tomorrows leftist mainstream.
How do fight back?
Read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

Georgetown Students Go Broke to Buy Birth Control? Target Sells Pills for $9 Per Month | The Weekly Standard

Posted via email from fightingstatism

#WikiLeaks publishes e-mails between Stratfor & Defense contractors & gov agencies.Also publishes e-mails & credit card info of subscribers to Stratfor. #anonymous #privacy #tcot #tlot #p2

WikiLeaks Publishes Millions of Emails from Intel Agency Stratfor | News & Opinion |,2817,2400791,00.asp

.... ”The emails span a seven year period beginning in
July 2004 and detail Stratfor's dealings with big corporations such as Dow Chemical, Lockheed
Martin, and Raytheon, as well as government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security
and the Defence Intelligence Agency, WikiLeaks said in a statement.
WikiLeaks did not reveal its source, but Stratfor noted in a statement of its own that in December
it suffered a breach at the hands of hacker collective Anonymous, which swiped thousands of
emails and published names, contact info, credit card numbers, and other personal data of thousands of Stratfor subscribers.
Anonymous has previously spoken out in support of WikiLeaks' efforts.”...

RRD:Note,I receive Strafor's free newsletter.
Fortunately I am not a paid subscriber.
I can understand why Wikileaks & Anonymous' published the e-mails between Stratfor with the assorted companies & government agencies.
(I say understand,as in I can understand from their WRONG perspective,why they would do that.They had no right to do it,and I condemn it.)

However why they would publish the e-mail addresses of subscribers(much less their personally identifiable information) is beyond me.
Do they really think the only people who subscribe to these things are spies?
Other than myself I know of at least one other non-intelligence agent who subscribes to this publication.
He is a Pastor.
(And no I have no connection to any of the government departments or companies listed,I am a news junkie)

Sadly,David Brin seems to have been right;Privacy is dead.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Family of murdered #Iranian student meets with HPD #houston #iranelections #freeiran

Romney will not attack Obama,won't say ”incendiary”,”outrageous” & ”accusatory” things about Obama #tcot #rino #teaparty #2012

Mitt Romney: I’m not willing ‘to light my hair on fire’ to win conservative votes - The Washington Post

...”It’s very easy to excite the base with incendiary comments,” Romney told reporters. “We’ve seen throughout the campaign that if you’re willing to say really outrageous things that are accusatory and attacking President Obama that you’re going to jump up in the polls. You know, I’m not willing to light my hair on fire to try and get support. I am who I am.”....

Romney: Obama is not a Socialist, he’s just in over his head » The Right Scoop -

RRD:When I'm wrong,I'm wrong.
Previously I had said (paraphrasing myself) ”Giving Romney the nomination will lead to a replay of 2008,i.e. a candidate whose liberalism blurs the line between the candidates,takes the most important issues off the table,and demoralizes the base,though Romney will at least be willing to attack Obama".
The part where I was wrong was my belief that Romney would at least attack Obama.
He won't.
Romney has achieved something very difficult.He has shown himself to be even worse than his critics thought.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A drawing illustrating the blood libel against the Jews from that glorious age of ”reason” known more accurately as the Dark Ages

“The Tragedy of Theology: How Religion Caused and Extended the Dark Ages” by Andrew Bernstein A Critique of Rodney Stark’s The Victory of Reason

On the Quran riots & calls for withdrawal from Afghanistan. #gwot #tcot

RRD:In response to the riots by maniacs in Afghanistan some have called for withdrawal from Afghanistan.
They have said in effect "why are we fighting for these barbarians".

We aren't.

We did not invade Afghanistan to help the Afghans.

We did it because nearly 3,000 American men,women and children,the vast majority of whom were civilians,were slaughtered.

The organization that did that--Al-Qaeda--still exists.

Its allies,the Taliban,still exist.

We know the answer to the question "why are we in Afghanistan":we are there to prevent Al-Qaeda from re-adding that country as a safe haven, in ADDITION to their safe haven in Pakistan.

A more salient question would be:"Why are Al-qaeda,and the Taliban,still in existence?"

Ignoring Al-qaeda,no matter how war weary Americans are,will no more cause it to go away,then ignoring cancer will cause it to disappear.

If the majority of Americans choose to go down this path,then they should know that this is really not a new path at all.

It is exactly what we did pre-9/11.

We reached out to "the moderate Taliban",and said to them,as we are now being urged to say to them again,that if they handed over Bin Laden,that we would have no problem with them.

The Taliban refused.

After 9/11 they refused again.

After we drove them from Kabul they refused and they are refusing even now.

We tried to kill Bin Laden with Tomahawk cruise missiles,to no avail.

The result of not invading Afghanistan was not ”peace”.
It was a wholesale slaughter of American civilians & Pentagon military personnel.

None of this means that we should pursue the current strategy.
But simply withdrawing,and ignoring Al-qaeda,is not the answer.
Nor is appeasement either moral,or in the long term,practical.
And if you wish to launch into the "if you are so gung ho why don't you go there"argument,my response would be as follows.

*I long ago lost any illusions about war being a action adventure game.I am not "gung ho" about war.
If I support a war it is because I fear the alternative will be more death and killing of Americans.

*This is not Vietnam,or Iraq.
This war was launched in response to a deliberate civilian massacre on U.S. soil.
All of us are potential targets.Including children.

*I do not support a draft,nor do I lecture people on "their need to join(or continue serving in) the military".
If someone who serves in the military chooses not to re-enlist,I would understand their decision entirely.
But that does not alter the fact that the role of the Military is to defend the civilian population from being murdered.
If there was ever a justified war of self-defense,this is it.
I am not a police officer,or a fire fighter,but I nonetheless expect those who choose to become police officers,or fire fighters to arrest criminals and to put out fires.
This is neither cowardice or hyprocrisy.
It WOULD be both,if like some did during Vietnam,I exempted myself from the draft,and then lectured people on their duty to serve in combat,or on the importance of the war.
But that is not the case here.
And if some would accuse me of "indifference" to the well being of our soldiers,then my response would be:I know what my emotional reactions are to the sight of dead or wounded soldiers.
And also to dead or wounded civilians.
Not the least of whom were murdered on 9/11.
I am no more "indifferent" then those who sincerely believe that we should withdraw,are "indifferent" to another 9/11.

Those who do believe that the war needs to be fought do owe our soldiers one obligation:we must make sure that their lives are not being sacrificed on a flawed strategy.
And I think it is time to reevaluate our current strategy.
That does not mean that it should be jettisoned wholesale.
There may be valuable lessons to be learned and integrated from COIN (Counter Insurgency) doctrine.
But it must be throughly reviewed.

As for those who kill our soldiers they should be located & killed as soon as possible.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I will be posting at a reduced rate for the rest of the month. #iranexecution

I will be posting at a reduced rate for the rest of the month.Only on matters of life & death(e.g. Saeed Malekpour,Youcef Nadarkhani, Sakineh Ashtiani & other people who face execution or grievous bodily harm in Iran & other dictatorships),or on very important domestic issues,such as censorship laws,or something else that requires a immediate response.I have some personal matters I must attend to.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Senoir scholar at leading Islamic University:”Jews "Cannot Be Freed [of Their Faults] Except by Cutting Their Hearts Out"

Senior Al-Azhar Scholar: The Jews Are 'A Source of Evil and Harm in All Human Societies'

”Dr. Isma'il 'Ali Muhammad, head of the Department of Islamic Preaching and Culture at Al-Azhar University, published a series of six articles on the website of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood describing "the Jewish character" and explaining the role of the Bible and Talmud in shaping it. Stating that cruelty, dishonesty and bloodlust are inherent to the Jewish character because they are part of the Jews' culture and scriptures, he supports his argument with quotations from Jewish sources, some of them distorted. He also repeats the well-known libel that the Jews use the blood of non-Jews to prepare Passover matzah, refers to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and quotes from the virulently antisemitic book Jewish Society by Coptic Egyptian writer Zaki Shenouda.”..

”October 20, 2011, Muhammad describes the "Jewish character": "A prominent [fact] is that the Jewish personality, wherever it is found, is never free of deviancy and corruption, and is always striving to perpetrate corruption upon the earth. It is a personality that is unable to coexist in peace and equality with others or to form good relations with them. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this personality is always a source of evil and harm in all human societies... and is completely unable to live in harmony in any human society.

" In the early Islamic period, there were Jews who lived under the rule of the best of men, the Prophet Muhammad. They were treated well, yet despite this their deviant character immediately became apparent. Breaching their treaties with the Muslims and betraying them, they lead the infidel front [against them], strayed from the path of Allah and His Messenger, and harmed the Muslims. The punishment of being expelled from Medina by the Muslims was warranted by their [acts of] deceit and betrayal.”.

...."The deviancy and corruption inherent to the Jewish personality are neither incidental nor temporary, and are not confined to [specific] situations, individuals or circumstances. They stem from the ideological roots of the Jewish essence, mind and spirit, and are based on a powerful conceptual system that permeates the Jewish soul like blood flowing through veins. ”....

....”Coptic Egyptian writer] Zaki Shenouda wrote [in his book Jewish Society]:[4] 'A horrific barbarity flows in the veins of the Jews and percolates to the very depth of their essence and soul. This barbarity has been one of their most prominent characteristics since they first appeared, and has been an inalienable part of them throughout their history and in all domains of life. They are always ruled by a violent and frightening tendency to insane cruelty, and by a demonic craving to kill, murder, hang, burn, stone, abuse and torture [people], to cut off their limbs and perpetrate genocide, to burn down cities and sow destruction in any place that is under their control. They know no mercy. No [human] feeling, religion, faith, or conscience dissuade them from doing these things. They are like ravening wolves, rabid dogs, or mad swine who sink their teeth and claws into any animal that crosses their path. Only blood, and the sight of dead bodies and remains strewn abou t them, can satisfy their lust [for killing]...'

....."The Jews' rabbis allow them to kill or butcher certain people, distill their blood, and use it to make the matzah that is eaten on Passover and on other holidays. One of the most famous incidents of this sort was the murder of father Thomas and his servant Ibrahim 'Amara in Beirut [sic] in 1840.[5] Those involved in this incident, and especially the rabbis who ordered to butcher the two and distill their blood, admitted that it had been done out of religious motives, and that the blood had been used for making matzah...”

......”The last two articles, from October 24 and 25, "According to the Jewish ideological and religious heritage, the Jew does not have to honor any alliance with, or commitment to, a non-Jew. Hence, we see that the Jewish personality rarely stops cheating and betraying the other in negotiations. When the Jew has an opportunity to evade his commitments to a non-Jew, he unfortunately does so immediately... These traits are rooted in their nature, flow like blood through their veins, and rule their hearts. They cannot be freed [of them] except by cutting their hearts out." [7]”....

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Senoir scholar at leading Islamic University:”Jews "Cannot Be Freed [of Their Faults] Except by Cutting Their Hearts Out" #antisemitism #jcot

Senior Al-Azhar Scholar: The Jews Are 'A Source of Evil and Harm in All Human Societies'

Jews "Cannot Be Freed [of Their Faults] Except by Cutting Their Hearts Out"

”Dr. Isma'il 'Ali Muhammad, head of the Department of Islamic Preaching and Culture at Al-Azhar University, published a series of six articles on the website of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood describing "the Jewish character" and explaining the role of the Bible and Talmud in shaping it. Stating that cruelty, dishonesty and bloodlust are inherent to the Jewish character because they are part of the Jews' culture and scriptures, he supports his argument with quotations from Jewish sources, some of them distorted. He also repeats the well-known libel that the Jews use the blood of non-Jews to prepare Passover matzah, refers to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and quotes from the virulently antisemitic book Jewish Society by Coptic Egyptian writer Zaki Shenouda.

The following are translated excerpts from the articles:

In the first article, published October 20, 2011, Muhammad describes the "Jewish character": "A prominent [fact] is that the Jewish personality, wherever it is found, is never free of deviancy and corruption, and is always striving to perpetrate corruption upon the earth. It is a personality that is unable to coexist in peace and equality with others or to form good relations with them. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this personality is always a source of evil and harm in all human societies... and is completely unable to live in harmony in any human society.

"History, past and present, attests to the deviancy that is inherent to the Jewish character. In the early Islamic period, there were Jews who lived under the rule of the best of men, the Prophet Muhammad. They were treated well, yet despite this their deviant character immediately became apparent. Breaching their treaties with the Muslims and betraying them, they lead the infidel front [against them], strayed from the path of Allah and His Messenger, and harmed the Muslims. The punishment of being expelled from Medina by the Muslims was warranted by their [acts of] deceit and betrayal.

"The deviancy and corruption that have permeated the Jewish personality throughout the ages are rooted mainly in the ideological, cultural and religious [value-]system that has been handed down from one Jewish generation to another and which has shaped [the Jews' character]. The Jews hold these [values] sacred. They obey the dictates of their sacred cultural and religious heritage, and their rabbis instill [these values] in them...

...."The deviancy and corruption inherent to the Jewish personality are neither incidental nor temporary, and are not confined to [specific] situations, individuals or circumstances. They stem from the ideological roots of the Jewish essence, mind and spirit, and are based on a powerful conceptual system that permeates the Jewish soul like blood flowing through veins. This system is undoubtedly the main factor that shapes the [Jew's] personality and justifies his behavior over the years and in changing circumstances”....

....”Coptic Egyptian writer] Zaki Shenouda wrote [in his book Jewish Society]:[4] 'A horrific barbarity flows in the veins of the Jews and percolates to the very depth of their essence and soul. This barbarity has been one of their most prominent characteristics since they first appeared, and has been an inalienable part of them throughout their history and in all domains of life. They are always ruled by a violent and frightening tendency to insane cruelty, and by a demonic craving to kill, murder, hang, burn, stone, abuse and torture [people], to cut off their limbs and perpetrate genocide, to burn down cities and sow destruction in any place that is under their control. They know no mercy. No [human] feeling, religion, faith, or conscience dissuade them from doing these things. They are like ravening wolves, rabid dogs, or mad swine who sink their teeth and claws into any animal that crosses their path. Only blood, and the sight of dead bodies and remains strewn abou t them, can satisfy their lust [for killing]...'

....."The Jews' rabbis allow them to kill or butcher certain people, distill their blood, and use it to make the matzah that is eaten on Passover and on other holidays. One of the most famous incidents of this sort was the murder of father Thomas and his servant Ibrahim 'Amara in Beirut [sic] in 1840.[5] Those involved in this incident, and especially the rabbis who ordered to butcher the two and distill their blood, admitted that it had been done out of religious motives, and that the blood had been used for making matzah... Here we again see the dangerous role played by the Jewish sources, which provide the foundations for their deviant behavior..."[6]

......”The last two articles, from October 24 and 25, focus on the Jews' "treacherous" and "dishonest" nature: "According to the Jewish ideological and religious heritage, the Jew does not have to honor any alliance with, or commitment to, a non-Jew. Hence, we see that the Jewish personality rarely stops cheating and betraying the other in negotiations. When the Jew has an opportunity to evade his commitments to a non-Jew, he unfortunately does so immediately... These traits are rooted in their nature, flow like blood through their veins, and rule their hearts. They cannot be freed [of them] except by cutting their hearts out." [7]”....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Senoir scholar at leading Islamic seminary:”Jews "Cannot Be Freed [of Their Faults] Except by Cutting Their Hearts Out" #antisemitism

Senior Al-Azhar Scholar: The Jews Are 'A Source of Evil and Harm in All Human Societies'

Jews "Cannot Be Freed [of Their Faults] Except by Cutting Their Hearts Out"

”Dr. Isma'il 'Ali Muhammad, head of the Department of Islamic Preaching and Culture at Al-Azhar University, published a series of six articles on the website of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood describing "the Jewish character" and explaining the role of the Bible and Talmud in shaping it. Stating that cruelty, dishonesty and bloodlust are inherent to the Jewish character because they are part of the Jews' culture and scriptures, he supports his argument with quotations from Jewish sources, some of them distorted. He also repeats the well-known libel that the Jews use the blood of non-Jews to prepare Passover matzah, refers to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and quotes from the virulently antisemitic book Jewish Society by Coptic Egyptian writer Zaki Shenouda.

The following are translated excerpts from the articles:

In the first article, published October 20, 2011, Muhammad describes the "Jewish character": "A prominent [fact] is that the Jewish personality, wherever it is found, is never free of deviancy and corruption, and is always striving to perpetrate corruption upon the earth. It is a personality that is unable to coexist in peace and equality with others or to form good relations with them. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this personality is always a source of evil and harm in all human societies... and is completely unable to live in harmony in any human society.

"History, past and present, attests to the deviancy that is inherent to the Jewish character. In the early Islamic period, there were Jews who lived under the rule of the best of men, the Prophet Muhammad. They were treated well, yet despite this their deviant character immediately became apparent. Breaching their treaties with the Muslims and betraying them, they lead the infidel front [against them], strayed from the path of Allah and His Messenger, and harmed the Muslims. The punishment of being expelled from Medina by the Muslims was warranted by their [acts of] deceit and betrayal.

"The deviancy and corruption that have permeated the Jewish personality throughout the ages are rooted mainly in the ideological, cultural and religious [value-]system that has been handed down from one Jewish generation to another and which has shaped [the Jews' character]. The Jews hold these [values] sacred. They obey the dictates of their sacred cultural and religious heritage, and their rabbis instill [these values] in them...

...."The deviancy and corruption inherent to the Jewish personality are neither incidental nor temporary, and are not confined to [specific] situations, individuals or circumstances. They stem from the ideological roots of the Jewish essence, mind and spirit, and are based on a powerful conceptual system that permeates the Jewish soul like blood flowing through veins. This system is undoubtedly the main factor that shapes the [Jew's] personality and justifies his behavior over the years and in changing circumstances”....

....”Coptic Egyptian writer] Zaki Shenouda wrote [in his book Jewish Society]:[4] 'A horrific barbarity flows in the veins of the Jews and percolates to the very depth of their essence and soul. This barbarity has been one of their most prominent characteristics since they first appeared, and has been an inalienable part of them throughout their history and in all domains of life. They are always ruled by a violent and frightening tendency to insane cruelty, and by a demonic craving to kill, murder, hang, burn, stone, abuse and torture [people], to cut off their limbs and perpetrate genocide, to burn down cities and sow destruction in any place that is under their control. They know no mercy. No [human] feeling, religion, faith, or conscience dissuade them from doing these things. They are like ravening wolves, rabid dogs, or mad swine who sink their teeth and claws into any animal that crosses their path. Only blood, and the sight of dead bodies and remains strewn abou t them, can satisfy their lust [for killing]...'

....."The Jews' rabbis allow them to kill or butcher certain people, distill their blood, and use it to make the matzah that is eaten on Passover and on other holidays. One of the most famous incidents of this sort was the murder of father Thomas and his servant Ibrahim 'Amara in Beirut [sic] in 1840.[5] Those involved in this incident, and especially the rabbis who ordered to butcher the two and distill their blood, admitted that it had been done out of religious motives, and that the blood had been used for making matzah... Here we again see the dangerous role played by the Jewish sources, which provide the foundations for their deviant behavior..."[6]

......”The last two articles, from October 24 and 25, focus on the Jews' "treacherous" and "dishonest" nature: "According to the Jewish ideological and religious heritage, the Jew does not have to honor any alliance with, or commitment to, a non-Jew. Hence, we see that the Jewish personality rarely stops cheating and betraying the other in negotiations. When the Jew has an opportunity to evade his commitments to a non-Jew, he unfortunately does so immediately... These traits are rooted in their nature, flow like blood through their veins, and rule their hearts. They cannot be freed [of them] except by cutting their hearts out." [7]”....

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The myth that Robert Tracinski was arrested by the Secret Service has been debunked by Robert Tracinski himself #teaparty #objectivist #objectivism

RRD:On Sunday February 12,2012
a individual identifying himself as ”Ronbo Soldier” posted this story:


It's a hoax.
(Or at best the ravings of a lunatic.)
I don't know with certitude whether "Ronbo Soldier" himself made it up,or whether a hoax was played on him,or whether the person who allegedly sent him the e-mails was insane.(Though Mr.Tracinski believes ”Ronbo Soldier” made it up.)

Tracinski publicly popped up on his Facebook page here.

Fortunately,& contrary to the views of statists,the internet,the same mode of communication that makes it easy to spread rumours and myths,can also debunk them.
It does not need government ”fact checkers”.
A thinking people can act as their own fact checkers.In this case,less than a day after the fact,it was exposed by the alleged victim himself.
We may err for awhile,but we can correct our own errors without needing minders or ”gatekeepers”.
The answer to false speech is MORE speech.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Sunday, February 12, 2012

#Tunisia 's secularists under siege by Islamists. #tcot #no2sharia #freedomofspeech

RRD:(I will paraphrase the New York Times piece below,except for the parts in quotation marks)
Background:Tunisia,along with Turkey and the Kurdish area of Iraq,(& Indonesia to a degree) is one of the(comparatively) more secular & sane Muslim majority states.
It is known as the land of "Beer and Bikinis".
It may be more familiar to westerners by the name "Tatooine”(fn1).
Recently there was a fire at a Synagogue believed to be arson,(though this is disputed)(fn2).
And now a TV executive is being charged with "libeling religion” and with...”broadcasting information that could 'harm public order or good morals.'”... (As the Times reports).
And three men who came to his defense were attacked by Islamist Brownshirts.
The title of the Times' article is unintentionally,(if bitterly) comic:

”Tunisia Navigates a Democratic Path Tinged With Religion”

(Video of the assault)

Zyed Krichen et Hamadi Redissi agressés par des salafistes - YouTube

Tunisia Navigates a Democratic Path Tinged With Religion - by Anthony Shadid

...“We’re surrendering our right to think and speak differently,” said Hamadi Redissi, one of the two men, still bearing a scab on his forehead from the attack last week.”...

....”The aftermath[RRD:Of the ”Arab Spring”] has brought elections in Egypt and Tunisia as well as more decisive Islamist influence in Morocco, Libya and, perhaps, Syria”. .....

RRD:Secular protesters alarmed by the threat the Islamists pose, turned out in one of the largest pro-secularist demonstrations in recent memory.

....“Make a common front against fanaticism,” one banner declared."...

RRD:(What follows is my paraphrase of the New York Times piece,except for the parts in quotation marks which are quoted directly,as well as my summary of the video above.The parts from the video not mentioned in the NYT piece have ”see video” next to them.)

RRD:The movie Persepolis(fn3) was broadcast on October 7, 2011,on Neesma TV.One week later a mob of Islamist barbarians attacked the house of Neesma TV's director;Nabil Karoui.
Shortly afterwards Mr.Karoui was charged with ...”libeling religion”
and with...”broadcasting information that could 'harm public order or good morals.'”...(As the Times reports)

He faces five years in prison for this ”crime”.

On January 23 2012,outside the courthouse where Mr.Karoui was to be tried for this thoughtcrime,
Mr.Hamadi Redissi & Mr.Zied Krichen arrived to express their support for Mr.Karoui.
(The trial would be later postponed until April).
The Islamists at first seemed non-violent(see video).
But soon Redissi and Krichen were accosted with cries of “Infidel!” , “Apostate!”(source NYT ).
Redissi and Krichen,outnumbered and fearing for their safety,started to leave.
The Islamists pursued them.

...."All I could think was to not look behind me, walk ahead, and not open my mouth"....

RRD:As he tried to escape
Mr.Krichen was assaulted from behind and apparently knocked to the ground(see video).
A woman screamed(see video).
Mr.Redissi tried to defend Mr.Krichen & was head-butted, apparently by the same thug(see video)The police walked with them --for what seems like a eternity--as the Islamists pursue them, screaming at them,eventually,
after being stalked by the Islamists,they are able to make their escape into a building,(see video,a police station according to the Times)

Another dissident,Mr. Abdelhalim Messaoudi, a journalist at Nessma,was also assaulted.

One of the attackers was identified through the video,& was arrested.

The Times:

...”For people like Mr. Messaoudi, though,the incident reflected a months-long trend of thuggery by Salafis, from an attack on a theater airing a film they deemed objectionable,to their brief control last month over a northern Tunisian town called Sanjan.”

“Certain Islamist factions want to turn identity into their Trojan horse,” Mr. Messaoudi said. “They use the pretext of protecting their identity as a way to crush what we have achieved as a Tunisian society. They want to crush the pillars of civil society.”

“We’ve become the ahl al-dhimma,” he said, offering a term in Islamic law to denote protected minorities in a Muslim state. “It’s like the Middle Ages.”



From the original Star Wars movie,& Return of the Jedi,& The Phantom Menace,named after the location in southern Tunisia where part of the film was shot.It has become a popular tourist destination.

Tataouine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

”The real Star Wars?”


Tunisian synagogue attack disputed | JTA - Jewish & Israel News


The movie Persepolis,based on the graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi,is a work about a young woman's girlhood in Iran both before and after the Islamic Revolution.

The New York Times > Movies > Interactive Feature > Drawn to Life

Persepolis - Movie Trailers - Preview -

Persepolis - Movies - Review -

Pantheon Graphic Novels

Persepolis (2007) - IMDb

PERSEPOLIS | A SONY PICTURES CLASSICS RELEASE The Complete Persepolis (9780375714832): Marjane Satrapi: Books

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Facebook page calls for execution of Saudi Journalist who ”insulted the Prophet Mohammed”


RRD:One wonders where this strange notion that Islam is less than pacifistic came from.

Saudi journalist faces death calls over tweets | News | National Post

”Hamza Kashgari, 23, tweeted, “I have loved things about you and I have hated things about you and there is a lot I don’t understand about you.”

“I will not pray for you,” he added.

Mr. Kashgari quickly apologized, but the calls for his execution only multiplied.

A Facebook page entitled “The Saudi people demand Hamza Kashgari’s execution” already has nearly 10,000 members.

“Our page has almost 10,000 members… but we need you to work harder. The Prophet deserves more respect,” said one post.

A committee of top clerics in charge of issuing religious edicts in the kingdom issued a statement calling Mr. Kashgari “an apostate” and an “infidel,” and demanded he be tried in an Islamic court.

It is therefore “the duty of our leaders to judge based on sharia law,” which stipulates that an apostate must be sentenced to death, the statement added.

One individual disagreed:

“Brothers, the man has repented. If the Prophet himself was here he would have forgiven him and ended this,” said tweeter Saleh al-Ghamdi”

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Reaction to Obama's birth control compromise

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dissident Zhu Yufu gets 7 yr sentence for writing this poem. #humanrights #China #p2 #tcot


China: This is the poem that got activist Zhu Yufu seven years in jail | News | National Post

”Veteran Chinese activist Zhu Yufu has been jailed for seven years after being accused of “subversion of state power” by writing a poem.

This is his poem.


By Zhu Yufu, translated by A. E. Clark and reprinted with permission

It’s time, people of China! It’s time. The Square belongs to everyone. With your own two feet It’s time to head to the Square and make your choice.

It’s time, people of China! It’s time. A song belongs to everyone. From your own throat It’s time to voice the song in your heart.

It’s time, people of China! It’s time. China belongs to everyone. Of your own will It’s time to choose what China shall be.”

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Saudi journalist allegedly insults Mohammed,Facebook page calls for his execution #humanrights #tcot #p2

Saudi journalist faces death calls over tweets | News | National Post

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#Iranian Judiciary Chief who delayed Pastor Youcef's vertict criticizes the Universal Declaration of #HumanRights #iranelections

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Iranian Official explains in precise detail how Iran should ”annihilate” Israeli jews by 2014 #jcot #supportisrael

RRD:The original article literally includes maps.

In Response to Escalating Threats between West and Iran, Iranian Official Calls On Regime To Attack Israel

....”It would seem that the article, whose publication coincided with statements by Khamenei, in his Friday speech of February 3, about the need to wipe out the "cancerous growth" of Israel, is the regime's response to recent statements by Israeli leaders regarding the necessity of attacking Iran. While Forghani, who notes that his article expresses his own views and not necessarily those of the regime, states that Iran must take it upon itself to annihilate Israel, Khamenei has avoided pitting Iran as an active combatant against Israel, keeping his country in a supportive role of assisting other forces against Israel.

Forghani claims that Iran must take advantage of the Islamic awakening sweeping the region, which he says has paved the way for Israel's destruction; of the passivity he says characterizes the U.S. and the West; and of the presidency of Ahmadinejad in order "to destroy Israel," and therefore sets the deadline as 2014, which he says will be the end of Ahmadinejad's presidency. He says that Iran must launch a preemptive attack against Israel entailing heavy military strikes from start to finish. Israel's strategic points "must be totally annihilated," he says, advising the regime to use its long-range missiles to this end and noting that the distance from the easternmost point of Iran to the westernmost point of Israel is 2,600 km, a range covered by conventional Iranian missiles.

Following are excerpts from the article detailing an Iranian attack on Israel, in the original English translation, which has been lightly edited for clarity

"Israel is the only country in the world with a Jewish majority. According to the last census of [the] 'Israel Central Bureau of Statistics,' this country has a population of 7.5 million, including 5.8 million Jews. The other ethnicities in [its] population structure are Muslims, Christians, Druzes [sic], and Samarians. The largest ethnic minorities are [the] so-called Israeli Arabs."

"Residents of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and H[a]ifa can be targeted even by Shah[a]b 3 [missiles]. Population density in these three adjacent areas composes about 60% of [the total] Israeli population. Sejjil missiles can target power plants, sewage treatment facilities, energy resources, [and] transportation and [communication] infrastructures; and in the second stage, Shahab 3, Ghadr, and Ashura missiles can target urban settlements until [the] final annihilation of Israel['s] people."...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Iranian Official explains in precise detail how Iran should ”annihilate” Israeli jews by 2014

RRD:The original article literally includes maps.

In Response to Escalating Threats between West and Iran, Iranian Official Calls On Regime To Attack Israel

....”It would seem that the article, whose publication coincided with statements by Khamenei, in his Friday speech of February 3, about the need to wipe out the "cancerous growth" of Israel, is the regime's response to recent statements by Israeli leaders regarding the necessity of attacking Iran. While Forghani, who notes that his article expresses his own views and not necessarily those of the regime, states that Iran must take it upon itself to annihilate Israel, Khamenei has avoided pitting Iran as an active combatant against Israel, keeping his country in a supportive role of assisting other forces against Israel.

Forghani claims that Iran must take advantage of the Islamic awakening sweeping the region, which he says has paved the way for Israel's destruction; of the passivity he says characterizes the U.S. and the West; and of the presidency of Ahmadinejad in order "to destroy Israel," and therefore sets the deadline as 2014, which he says will be the end of Ahmadinejad's presidency. He says that Iran must launch a preemptive attack against Israel entailing heavy military strikes from start to finish. Israel's strategic points "must be totally annihilated," he says, advising the regime to use its long-range missiles to this end and noting that the distance from the easternmost point of Iran to the westernmost point of Israel is 2,600 km, a range covered by conventional Iranian missiles.

Following are excerpts from the article detailing an Iranian attack on Israel, in the original English translation, which has been lightly edited for clarity

"Israel is the only country in the world with a Jewish majority. According to the last census of [the] 'Israel Central Bureau of Statistics,' this country has a population of 7.5 million, including 5.8 million Jews. The other ethnicities in [its] population structure are Muslims, Christians, Druzes [sic], and Samarians. The largest ethnic minorities are [the] so-called Israeli Arabs."

"Residents of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and H[a]ifa can be targeted even by Shah[a]b 3 [missiles]. Population density in these three adjacent areas composes about 60% of [the total] Israeli population. Sejjil missiles can target power plants, sewage treatment facilities, energy resources, [and] transportation and [communication] infrastructures; and in the second stage, Shahab 3, Ghadr, and Ashura missiles can target urban settlements until [the] final annihilation of Israel['s] people."...

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This is ”inevitability”?!Romney loses to Santorum in Missouri & Minnesota.

RRD:To date the "inevitable” Mitt Romney has lost in Iowa(though by a very small margin),lost to Gingrich in South Carolina by a wide.margin,and now lost in Minnesota and Missouri(fn1).And he did this while outspending two candidates who are themselves not exactly "Reagan-Revisted".
Outspending,by a wide margin.
What's more,turnout was depressed in Florida,something which Romney surrogate Sununu says is GOOD for Romney(fn2).Gingrich counters that while he lost in Florida overall,in those districts he carried,turnout was up.(fn3).
No matter how you spin this,the "inevitability” argument is belied by the reality that Romney is flatly hated by a considerable portion of the GOP.
This is NOT a matter of being ”insufficiently conservative”(the Rockefeller Republican's pet straw man).
Romney has flip flopped on all but his two worst positions:Global Warming & the Individual Mandate(on the state level).
On those he has been ”bad & steady”.
I doubt that the support for Gingrich,or Santorum is due to much other than sheer disgust with Romney.

The condescending mantra that Republicans ”will come around”,seems more & more reminiscent of the Left's oft repeated claim that once we understand Obamacare,once Obama has delivered his upteenth speech on the matter,we would fall in love with it and him.

There IS a precedent for ramming a nominee down the GOP base's collective throat --while believing that this was a path to victory--under the premise of "where will they go".
It was 2008.

How did that work out?
Oh,wait,the problem was Palin.
Mccain needed (pro-choice )Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman to get the Independents.The base?(snickers) Where will they go?Screw em.We don't need to worry about them.They'll take whatever garbage we shovel down their throats.
But the independents,oh we need those luscious independents.
And they won't go for a Conservative like Reagan...What's that..Reagan won in a landslide?
A fluke.
The independents won't vote for someone unlike Romney,who doesn't believe in Global Warming...Most independents don't believe in Global Warming?
Well then the independents won't vote for someone who opposes the Individual Mandate &..They oppose the Individual Mandate too?

You see the Republicans can't win with someone who is even AS CONSERVATIVE as the average American,but Democrats,by contrast,can easily win with someone who:

1.Who can't get unemployment below the 8% level (which he said unemployment would never even rise to,to begin with),

2.Who taught the methods of a communist who dedicated his book to lucifer(Alinsky)

3.Whose self-described spiritual adviser,(fn4)responded to 9/11 by screeching calls for damnation upon his own country.

Yet Republicans cannot win with anyone whose views on Global Warming & the Individual Mandate are the same as those of the general electorate.

Odd that.



Santorum gets boost with wins in Missouri and Minnesota - The Hill's Ballot Box


Sununu: Low turnout means GOP satisfied - The Hill's Ballot Box




(Obama said Wright was like family to him,he was ”a part of” Obama)

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

#Iranian activist & #Christian convert faces deportation from #Sweden on Feb14 faces severe persecution if returned


RRD:Please do what you can to spread the word & contact the Swedish Government.

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”Deportation Alert: Mohammadreza Hamedan Esfahani, Christian convert & political activist who fled #Iran to #Sweden with his wife and his children 6 years ago is due to be deported to Iran on 14th February …. We have a short time to save his life and stop their deportation as they would face severe punishment in Iran. Below is their details: Mohammadreza Hamedan Esfahani 11-084450/11 76.09.02 —————————————————Bahareh Pourfard 11-137315/11 77.10.30 —————————————————Asal Hamedian Esfahani 11-1373320/11 2005.05.02 —————————————————Daniel Hamedian Esfahani tel: 0046700256506 tw: FB

Posted via email from fightingstatism

#Iranian activist & #Christian convert faces deportation from #Sweden on Feb14 faces severe persecution if returned

RRD:Please do what you can to spread the word & contact the Swedish Government.

Send email - Startsida

Contact us - Startsida

Write to us - submitted application - Startsida

”Deportation Alert: Mohammadreza Hamedan Esfahani, Christian convert & political activist who fled #Iran to #Sweden with his wife and his children 6 years ago is due to be deported to Iran on 14th February …. We have a short time to save his life and stop their deportation as they would face severe punishment in Iran. Below is their details: Mohammadreza Hamedan Esfahani 11-084450/11 76.09.02 —————————————————Bahareh Pourfard 11-137315/11 77.10.30 —————————————————Asal Hamedian Esfahani 11-1373320/11 2005.05.02 —————————————————Daniel Hamedian Esfahani tel: 0046700256506 tw: FB

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Gingrich “Every county I carried had an increase in turnout over last time," “Every county Romney carried had a decrease in turnout over last time.”

....”But Gingrich on Sunday put the low turnout squarely on Romney’s shoulders.

“Every county that I carried had an increase in turnout over last time,” Gingrich said on CBS's "Face the Nation." “Every county that Gov. Romney carried had a decrease in turnout over last time.”

NBC News later verified that Gingrich's assessment of the turnout situation was accurate.”...

Sununu: Low turnout means GOP satisfied - The Hill's Ballot Box

RRD:Also Sununu believes low primary turnout is good.He isn't alone in promoting this type of "everything is good for Romney" fantasy.See below:

AFP: Long primary battle could help Romney build support

.....”A drawn-out fight for the Republican nomination could work to frontrunner Mitt Romney's advantage if he uses it to develop his campaign structure in swing states key to beating President Barack Obama in November.

That's what happened in 2008, when Obama built a formidable organization that registered hundreds of thousands of new voters and signed up an army of volunteers during his own long primary battle with Hillary Clinton.”..

RRD:You see,Romney's inability to "seal the deal" will help him,because it will make him create a grassroots....

Wait,isn't the fact that Romney can't "close the deal"(he lost overwhelmingly in South Carolina,)due to the fact that he is hated by the very people he needs for grassroots turnout in 2012?How then will their hatred of him help him to mobilize them on his behalf?And couldn't he just turn his attention to building a grass roots operation earlier if he won the nomination earlier?
And the same was true of Obama.Obama did not benefit from having to fight Clinton.He was not harmed because of his overwhelming,(cult like)support among Democrats,but he did NOT benefit.
On a related point:If Romney gets the nomination,he will be the first to do so who DID NOT win S.Carolina in 30 some years.To put that in perspective it would be the first time that happened in my lifetime.
Of course many things have happened for the first time in my lifetime.But it would still be unusual.

But don't worry,the anti-romney base may not THINK they will vote,&/or be energized,but what do they know.

....”Things will likely change in November, when conservatives who have rallied around calls to make Obama a one-term president have a chance to vote him out of office, said Larry Jacobs, a politics professor at the University of Minnesota.

"I don't think you're going to need Newt Gingrich to turn out those people," he told AFP.

"They're so antagonized by the Obama presidency that they're guaranteed to turn out."....

RRD:Yeah like in 2008,as Mccain snickered "Where will they go".
I remember 2008 very clearly.
Most people I knew on the right argued and believed that we could not survive FOUR years of Obama,much less 8.
The problem?
It is very difficult to campaign for a ”Morale Vampire”(i.e. John Mccain and Romney).
Mccain spent much of the end of the campaign telling us how wonderful Obama was.
He was a ”good man”,”we had nothing to fear from him” etc.
And when he lost,he told us that Obama was his "leader"(& by extension ours).

How many times will Rockefeller Republicans spit in our face before November,having made themselves smugly ”secure” by the "Where will they go" chant?

If Romney is nominated it will be their opportunity to drop their veneer of conservatism and finally let us know what they really think of us.
We already see this in the gratuitous insults:

Coulter believes people who oppose Romney are not ”normal” - fightingstatism

And in the gleefully sadistic condescension directed against Conservatives:

PJ Media » Resigning Yourself to Romney: A Guide for the Disgruntled

This is not the writing of someone who supports someone (e.g. Romney)because they believe he is the lesser of two evils.
This is the triumphant sneer of the passive aggressive con artist who relishes giving his victim the finger, while putting on a "all innocent" expression.
It is the sneering triumph of a enemy over a humiliated foe.

If someone wished to endorse--or support Romney--there is a very simple way for a honest person to do so:

"Romney is horrendous,but I don't think we can survive another Obama term"

Full Stop.
One does not need to spit in the face of Romney's opponents by telling us that Romneycare was a ”triumph” for free market medicine,as that lying hypocrite Coulter did.

Three Cheers for Romneycare:

Nor does one need to sneer triumphantly as has this Belladona Rogers creature does.
No there is something else going on here.
And it ain't pretty.
We are winnowing the wheat from the chaff.
By this I don't mean that all Romney supporters are "chaff",but disingenous supporters are.Romney shills are.
There are good people who support Romney as the ”lesser of two evils”.
But they are honest & upfront.
Coulter isn't.
Rodgers isn't.
They are liars & frauds.

This has indeed been a very revealing year.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A brief response to Obama's plea for theft @ the National Prayer Breakfast #tcot #tlot

Full Text Of President Obama's Speech At National Prayer Breakfast

Barack Obama's Controversial 2006 Speech on Religion and Politics

....”And even if we did have only Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States of America, whose Christianity would we teach in the schools? Would we go with James Dobson's, or Al Sharpton's? Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy?Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is ok and that eating shellfish is abomination? How about Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith?

Or should we just stick to the Sermon on the Mount - a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application? So before we get carried away, let's read our bibles. Folks haven't been reading their bibles

This brings me to my second point. Democracy demands that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into universal, rather than religion-specific, values. It requires that their proposals be subject to argument, and amenable to reason.

I may be opposed to abortion for religious reasons, but if I seek to pass a law banning the practice, I cannot simply point to the teachings of my church or evoke God's will. I have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all”....

Text of the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Exodus 20:15 KJV

”Thou shalt not steal.”

Luke 20:22-25 KJV

”Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Cæsar, or no? But he perceived their craftiness, and said unto them, Why tempt ye me? Shew me a penny. Whose image and superscription hath it? They answered and said, Cæsar's. And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Cæsar the things which be Cæsar's, and unto God the things which be God's.”

Matthew 22:17-21 KJV

”Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Cæsar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Cæsar the things which are Cæsar's; and unto God the things that are God's.”


Obama 2006:

...... ”This brings me to my second point. Democracy demands that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into universal, rather than religion-specific, values. It requires that their proposals be subject to argument, and amenable to reason.

I may be opposed to abortion for religious reasons, but if I seek to pass a law banning the practice, I cannot simply point to the teachings of my church or evoke God's will. I have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all”....

RRD:This is arguably one of the few intelligent & rational things the man has ever said in his life.Of course people have a POLITICAL right to point to their faith and say "My church teaches this,therefore it should be the law",but why should those of us,(not of that faith) care?If the phrase:

” I have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all”.

Is taken to mean ”I must do this if people are to agree with me” then he is correct.If he meant, however that it somehow violates individual rights for a private citizen to simply argue for faith based laws,then he isn't correct.Advocacy of statist laws cannot,in and of itself,violate individual rights.Only by enacting statist laws,or by trying to enact statist laws(e.g. when a Senator votes for bill x),can rights be threatened.(And of course,one can argue for things that DO NOT violate individual rights by invoking God,e.g. Abolition and Civil Rights,Natural Rights etc.,but,again,that does not provide a reason for those not of your faith to agree with you)

But of course Obama cannot leave well enough alone,(if he was ever even sincere to begin with).So he argues that it's ok to use Religion so long as you don't use it to ”divide us”,& only use it for such non-divisive issues as promoting socialism & global warming:

"The bible tells us that when God created the earth, he entrusted us with the responsibility to take care of that earth," he said. "It is a responsibility to ensure that this planet remains clean and safe and livable for our children, and for all of God's children."

Leaving aside the fact that there really isn't anyone noteworthy in America calling for deliberately rendering the Earth uninhabitable,(the argument is over whether X WILL render the Earth uninhabitable),or to paraphrase Rush Limbaugh Conservatives & Libertarians do not like poisoned meat either(fn1).Leaving that aside,the Bible,as Obama noted,says many things.
For example it also tells us that God will not send another deluge against us,& this has been cited by some devout believers as "proof" that Global Warming is a invalid theory(since it predicts destruction through flooding),(you've got to read your bible Barack!)
Of course Obama is all over the map on Religion.Religion is,& has been,a political tool of both the right & left for generations,(though usually the right is more prominent in its use).
This is not to imply that there are not many people whose faith and politics are genuinely intertwined;there are.
But just as politics is a tool of religionists,religion is often a tool of politicians.
Obama does,unquestionably,have beliefs about the role of government in stealing private property & giving it to the poor or middle class.
I believe,however that that is his true "religion",(along with the other teachings of Saul Alinsky).

When Obama described his supposed adoption of Christianity in Dreams of My Father,he spoke of Wright's teachings in terms of their usefulness for,essentially,community organizing.
(See Obama's passage on Rev. Wright's ”The Audacity to Hope” Sermon.A sermon which supposedly led him to embrace Christianity,Obama's description of his ”Conversion” is a passage which,to paraphrase Wilde,”No one with a brain can read without bursting into laughter”)

I do not believe,for one instant,that this man is a Christian in any meaningful sense of the term.(Or,for that matter,a Muslim,in any meaningful sense of the term)
Religion is a tool for duping people to him.
For addressing the ”bitter clingers” at their ”level of understanding”.
He may or may not believe in God.But any such belief likely no more guides him then his enjoyment of basketball guides him.
He is a Alinskite,first,last & always.



Back when Limbaugh had his TV show,in the 1990's,a Democrat once thundered (in regards to a food safety issue which Republicans opposed or delayed)
To which Limbaugh replied:"I DID vote for poisoned meat!(I'm quoting from memory)
Objectivists (& often Libertarians) oppose preventive laws,(such as requiring restaurant's to submit to government inspections),but it does not follow that they are ”pro-poisoned meat”,anymore than those who oppose laws that violate due process are ”pro-criminal”.They may believe that such matters should be dealt with after the fact,(as manslaughter),or by warning against,or exposing dangerous food retailers,but that does not make them ”pro-salmonella”.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Friday, February 3, 2012

”Clean living”?Romney's a statist

Romney's Risks in Clean Living: Voters Expect a Little Sin on a Rap Sheet Feb 03, 2012

RRD:Clean living?Define ”clean”?
Is violating Individual Rights clean?
Is supporting the Global Warming hoax (particularly post-climategate)”clean”?
Is a vow to make ”the conservative case for the Individual Mandate” clean?Why not vote for Obama then?After all,by all accounts he has been faithful to his wife,he loves his children.Isn't he ”clean”.It's not as if Individual Rights matter.Coulter has explained to us that Romneycare was a ”triumph” for free market medicine.And after all,what's so bad about Obama?(sarcasm)
After all Mccain told us we have ”nothing to fear” from a Obama Presidency.
True Obama violated Individual Rights,(as has Romney).
True he promotes environmentalism,as does Romney.
But Robert,Obama's a ”America Hating Socialist”,well not according to Romney he's not:

Romney Obama is not a Socialist #tcot #tlot #teaparty

But remember,this isn't a repeat of 2012.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Romney Obama is not a Socialist #tcot #tlot #teaparty

What can we expect if #Romney leads the GOP?A purge of conservatives from the #GOP . #tcot #tlot #teaparty

PJ Media » State GOP Establishments Attack Their Base

...”Florida, Congressman Allen West, a Tea Party favorite, has seen his name floated as a potential vice presidential nominee. That clearly hasn’t impressed the state’s legislature, which has redrawn West’s district “to include substantially more Democrats within it … many more than other Republican incumbents.” The “inspiration” for this move is state Fepresentative Will Weatherford, who just so happens to be Mitt Romney’s Sunshine State spokesperson. Why am I not surprised? In response, West announced that he will run for “reelection” in a different district.

In heavily Catholic Pennsylvania, Democrat Senator Bob Casey is extremely vulnerable, both for generally hewing to the Obama agenda and for his support of ObamaCare, which among other things has led to regulations effective next year which would force all hospitals to provide contraceptive services with no conscience exceptions. Sadly, the Keystone State’s GOP, which stuck with Democrat-turned Republican-turned Democrat Arlen Specter for decades while treating conservative stalwart Pat Toomey like a leper, is on track to blow it. Under intense pressure from Governor Tom Corbett, who seems to have forgotten that he owes his job to Tea Party supporters who latched onto his promise not to raise taxes, the party has endorsed Steve Welch over three other far more acceptable contestants. Welch voted for Obama in 2008 and supported Toomey’s far-left U.S. Senate opponent Joe Sestak (4% lifetime Club For Growth rating) in 2010. From all appearances, based on after-the-fact complai nts I have read and an advance warning that it would happen from Christopher Friend, the party which opposes “card check” in union organizing failed to hold a secret endorsement ballot”....

RRD:I have said this again and again;the GOP establishment wants the Teaparty dead.Co-opted.Erased.Wiped out.GONE.This is war and the Rockefeller Republicans are our mortal enemies,not our part time allies.They are not "whipped dogs",as Robert Tracinski put it.Look at the case of Neville Chamberlain for a example:Many believe that Chamberlain was some kind of weakling.He wasn't.He fawned over Hitler,seeking his approval.But he was absolutely vindictive to anyone in his own party who defied him(see Lynne Olson's Troublesome Young Men fn1).
Mccain was another,more recent example:he reassured us that "we had nothing to fear" from a Obama Presidency,but when any Republican challenged him,he "did whatever it took to win".He mocked the Teaparty as ”Hobbits”,(bizarrely since the Hobbits were heroes)for having the temerity to believe that there was a actual moral conflict in whether we spend ourselves into collapse.These people are our enemies.The country cannot be saved by a ”opposition party” that is nothing more than a watered down version of the Democrats.
It may not be savable AT ALL.

But it certainly CANNOT be saved by ”Conservatives”(like Romney) who make ”the conservative case for the individual mandate”.


Troublesome Young Men: The Rebels Who Brought Churchill to Power and Helped ... - Lynne Olson - Google Books

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Romney #obamacare not worth getting angry about

The American Spectator : Romney Explains Why He Can't Beat Obama

....”The most telling moment of the debate was the latter's response to Rick Santorum's eloquent explanation of Obamacare's importance to the GOP's strategy in the general election and why giving Romney the nomination would be tantamount to surrendering the high ground on health reform: "Folks, we can't give this issue away in this election. It is about fundamental freedom." The former Massachusetts governor responded with the usual rote talking points, which Santorum vehemently rejected. Romney then uttered the most revealing words of the debate: "First of all, it's not worth getting angry about."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Thursday, February 2, 2012

#Romney 's liberal supporters supporters of higher taxes,environmentalism,& enemies of the #teaparty #2012 #tcot #tlot

RRD:This is hardly suprising:Romney believes in Global Warming and is a Rockefeller Republican.

As Romney shows, politics makes strange bedfellows | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

.....”Robertson is a deficit hawk, but his policy agenda is hardly ripped from the GOP platform. He favors tax increases, especially on the wealthy, as a way of shrinking the deficit. In a 2009 CNBC interview, Robertson called George W. Bush's post-9/11 tax cuts "awful," and criticized Obama for not raising taxes.

Robertson also has a big-government environmentalist streak. He sits on the board of the Environmental Defense Fund, and he has hired K Street lobbyists (including now-Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind.) to advance the Warner-Lieberman bill that would have capped industrial emissions of greenhouse gasses -- in effect a tax on burning coal and oil.”....

...”Miguel Fernandez of Miami has succeeded in health-care investing in recent years, and last July he gave $1 million to Restore Our Future ---half from his own pocket, and half from an account of his called MBF Family Investments.

While Romney publicly denies he's a liberal Republican, he apparently hasn't convinced Fernandez of this. Before giving $1 million to Romney's super-PAC, Fernandez split much of his money between Democrats and liberal Republicans who faced conservative opponents........... in the 2010 cycle, Fernandez spent some money against the Tea Party: When conservative Marco Rubio announced in 2009 he was running against liberal Republican Gov. Charlie Crist for Florida's open Senate seat, Fernandez gave the maximum to Crist. Fernandez also gave to infamous porker and bailout champion Bob Bennett in early 2010 as Bennett faced a Tea Party challenge from conservative Mike Lee.

Fernandez is mostly on the Republican team, and he eventually funded Rubio and John McCain in their general elections, but he has also funded his share of Democrats, including the presidential bids of Hillary Clinton and Bill Richardson and the Senate runs of Bob Menendez (N.J.), Bill Nelson (Fla.), Bob Graham (Fla.) and Mark Warner (Va.)......

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dear Ann Coulter:STFU about #Romneycare,on second thought,just STFU #obamacare #2012

RRD:I used to devote page after page responding to this "jews-need-to-be-perfected-&-we-should-forcibly-convert-muslims-to-christianity" creature over at TownHall.
I think I'll be more succinct:
You're a hypocritical bitch Coulter.
You're a liar.
You're a political whore.
You have no values,no principles,& no beliefs.
You are nothing.
You have only succeeded in illustrating what will happen to what is left of the GOP if Romney becomes President.
Thanks for crystallizing the issue.
Romney goes down in 2012.
Pray to the God whom you claim to believe in,that he goes down to Gingrich or some other Republican,because if he doesn't,I will do everything I can to tear that fraud to pieces,so that he goes down to Obama.
Still think it's "safe" to bet on Romney because ”he can get the base & the independents”?
He'll lose significant portions of both.
I will not vote for him.
And I am not alone.

Ann Coulter: “Three cheers for RomneyCare” « Hot Air

Three Cheers for Romneycare!

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Free Saeed Malekpour!He has done no wrong! #iranexecutions #humanrights