Sunday, April 28, 2013

No attacking straw men does not "make a case" for Manchin-Toomey #2ndamendment #tcot #gunrights #tlot

RRD: In a op-ed in the NYT & again today in CATO Robert Levy argues for resurrecting Manchin-Toomey. In doing so however he either evades--or demonstrates his ignorance of--the criticism leveled against the bill.

A Libertarian Case for Resurrecting the Manchin-Toomey Compromise -;

Further Thoughts on Sensible Gun Legislation | Cato Institute

RRD: The "Libertarian case" seems to consist of arguing that we should placate the alleged majority (see below) In this he is not alone. Indeed his article could have been lifted from the pages of Commentary Magazine, where Jonathan Tobin etal continue to attack some straw man that they call "the slippery slope argument" while ignoring--or remaining ignorant of-- the actual arguments of the "tone-deaf gun lobby".

Toomey and the Tone Deaf Gun Lobby « Commentary Magazine

While it is true that some opponents of the Manchin-Toomey bill invoke a "slippery slope" as one of their arguments,that argument is not the main argument made against the bill.
David Addington at Heritage, David Kopel at The Volokh Report ,& the Legal Counsel of Gun Owners of America (whose name escapes me) have all presented detailed legal arguments against the bill & explained why they regard the bill as being dangerous.

David Addington Schumer-Toomey-Manchin Gun Control Legislation: Bad Law on Federal Gun Registry

The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Pro-Gun” Provisions of Manchin-Toomey are Actually a Bonanza of Gun Control

Problems - Gun Owners of America (RRD: Website currently down)

Nor is opposition to the bill limited to the "gun lobby" :

ACLU: Reid gun bill could threaten privacy, civil liberties | The Daily Caller

If there are counterarguments to be made by Levy etal they are not apparent. In addition to the arguments made against Manchin-Toomey above I can add several more:

1. This regime has given us the Fast and Furious scandal & cannot be trusted to respect our rights,particularly since--as Kopel etal note-- the AG will be the one responsible for the enforcement & prosecution of the anti-gun registration provisions. (fn1)

2. An argument can be made that--at least under a broad interpretation of the Second Amendment-- the Federal Government should have no role in conducting background checks at all. (Particulary on intra-state purchases) and that if background checks are to be carried out ,that they should be done by the States--which could then share information with one another. One could also note that as the Federal Government has no power to regulate intra-state commerce that it has no right to mandate background checks on intra-state purchases.

3. I think that it is plausible to argue that background checks are a form of preventive law like licensing & should be opposed by Objectivists on those grounds (fn2) . (See Ayn Rand's views on licensing) .

Finally one of the key "arguments" for Manchin-Toomey is that the alleged 90% of the populace who support background checks will turn on the GOP & destroy it. Therefore those poor,brain dead hicks who don't understand the bill but are "agin it" anyway should drop their silly opposition. Leaving aside the abject cowardice of arguing that something should be done so as to appease the majority ,the claim is false:

The Gun Control Poll That Might Finally Shut the Media Up

.......” A poll released by none other than the Washington Post Wednesday is likely to finally put a stake in the heart of The Media Issue That Will Not Die. According to the poll, only 47% of Americana are as angry or disappointed as the corrupt media. On the flip-side, 39% are happy the bill failed, 10% were "none/other," and 3% had no opinion".....



Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up:Amazon:Kindle Store


Dictatorship —Ayn Rand Lexicon

.....” The legal hallmark of a dictatorship [is] preventive law—the concept that a man is guilty until he is proved innocent by the permissive rubber stamp of a commissar or a Gauleiter.”.....

“Who Will Protect Us from Our Protectors The Objectivist Newsletter, May 1962, 20

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

French embassy attack in Tripoli is 'a blow to Western hopes for Libya' - Telegraph #tcot #tlot

.......” The Telegraph's Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Damien McElroy, said that the attack would be a "blow to French prestige and Western hopes that Libya can emerge as a new democratic country."

French officials have expressed concerns about the possibility of greater instability in Libya, where they believe at least some rebel fighters from Mali fled following France's military onslaught to dislodge al-Qaeda-linked militants.”.....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Monday, April 22, 2013

Is the FBI hunting down a sleeper cell connected with the #Bostonmarathonbombing? #tcot #ocra

Boston bombers: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist “sleeper cell” linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Mirror On...

RRD: According to the UK's Daily Mirror the FBI is searching for the remaining members of a terrorist sleeper cell connected to the Boston Marathon Bombing. I wish to be very clear: if there are more terrorists planning to stage an attack & we keep up our guard then we may prevent another attack & save innocent people from being killed. If on the other hand this story is false then at worst we will be needlessly on guard for a few additional days. I first posted a link to this story by way of Gateway Pundit & then,today I linked to an article by Robert Spencer referencing it both because I think that it is important for us to remain on guard until/unless we learn that the Mirror story is false,& also because Spencer made some interesting additional comments. Having said that I must note that so far as I know--as of 4/22/2013 10:30am--the Mirror remains the only source for this story. Why is this important? Because the Daily Mirror is not exactly legendary for its fact checking. It is a tabloid.
Before Piers Morgan emigrated to the U.S. to obnoxiously lecture us on the evils of the Second Amendment he was circulating photos of alleged atrocities which proved to be fakes. Subsequently after he was fired,the paper was embroiled in a libel suit. - Fake abuse photos: Editor quits - May 15, 2004

GMTV Kate wins 'affair' libel award | UK | News | Daily Express

So this report should be taken with a grain of salt.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Statist fraud Giffords throws hissy fit at having her attack on the #2ndamendment rights of the innocent thwarted #tcot #tlot #gunrights

First a reminder of why the Manchin-Toomey billneeded killing.

Update, Manchin-Toomey isn't as bad as we feared,it's. much much worse #2ndamendment #tcot #tlot #gunrights - The Neointellectual

A Note about Gabby Giffords | National Review Online

...." While Ms. Giffords certainly has my sympathy for the violence she suffered, it should be noted that
being shot in the head by a lunatic does not give one any special grace to pronounce upon public-
policy questions"....

RRD: To this I would add that being shot is not a virtue,nor does it make you into a better person. Giffords was a corrupt & dishonest politician who lied about being "undecided" on Obamacare & who was quite fond of AK-47s when she was trying to trick the voters of Arizona into thinking that she was pro-gun. Now that it is fashionable to attack the rights of innocent people Giffords has tried to explain away images such as that in the attached photo. At this point some may say "Robert! How can you say that Giffords is corrupt! She was shot!"
Oh yes,Giffords was shot,as was George Wallace,as were any number of other people none of whom deserved to have been shot & all of whom were corrupt. There is no contradiction here. Corrupt and immoral people get shot. They should not be shot & they are still immoral irregardless. The definition of the word "virtuous" is not "one who was shot" .
Or does Gifford's suffering entitle her to compassion & kindly treatment while she spits on me & seeks to destroy yet more of my rights? Suffering is not a virtue or a value ,or a shield that permits you to attack the innocent with impunity while you show us your sores. To sacrifice truth,justice, & the rights of the innocent to a statist because she has suffered is cruelty to the innocent. Giffords etal have absolutely no concern for the people who will be destroyed by Obamacare ,nor have they any concern for the innocent whom they seek to persecute through their attacks on individual rights. Giffords is not denouncing Obama or Holder for Fast and Furious but both she & the man whose administration is responsible for Fast and Furious expect us to play along with their Weeping Crocodile routine.

Do not confuse sentimentality for rational compassion or justice.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

NYT manages to find an anti-zionist Warsaw Ghetto fighter #tcot #ccot #jcot #tjot

Remembering Warsaw By Trashing Zionism « Commentary Magazine

............" But the problem with this attempt to rehabilitate afailed ideology is that even in the 1930s, the idea
that there was a viable Jewish future in a virulently anti-Semitic Poland set in a Europe where Nazism was on the rise was the fantasy, not the burgeoning and successful effort to rebuild Jewish life in whatwas then called Palestine. As Shore notes, after the war when almost all of the survivors of the revolt found their way to Israel, Edelman stayed in Poland and served as a doctor. But his subsequent life in a Poland where those few Jews who stayed behind were subjected to a new wave of anti-Semitism from the Communist government merely demonstrated anew how wrong the Bundists had been all along. While she writes of him as someone celebrated today as a Polish hero, anti-Semitism is alive and well in contemporary Poland."......

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A roundup of links on the Boston Marathon Bombing #tcot #iamandrewbreitbart

RRD: There have been conflicting reports & much confusion on this matter. First let me begin by expressing my condolences to the survivors & the victim's families. As I write this ( on the afternoon of 4/16/2013 ) the identity of the perpetrator is as yet unknown.

Breaking: Explosion at Boston Marathon? Update: At least two dead; Update: Reports of 12 dead; Update: Hidden in trash cans?...

Al-Qaeda Propagandist Called for Attacks
on Sports Events Family Security Matters

Roommate of man questioned by Boston police: “I don’t think he could do that” « Hot Air

Chris Matthews: Bombing might be domestic attack in response to Tax Day | Mobile Washington Examiner

US Forest Service PR rep blames Boston bombing on Tea Party | Twitchy

Univision hack host on Boston bombing: But what about immigration reform? | Twitchy

Video: CNN’s Blitzer indulges in the irresistible urge to speculate « Hot Air

Shocking video shows Boston attacks | The Daily Caller

Axelrod: Obama Thinks Boston Bombings Could Be Related to 'Tax Day' | The Weekly Standard

The PJ Tatler » Why It Is Obvious That The Boston Marathon Attack Is Islamic Terrorism

Jihad in Boston? | FrontPage Magazine

» Feds seeking suspects in Boston bombings » News -- GOPUSA

Boston Marathon bombing: Feds raid apartment, police seek rental van - Yahoo! News

CNN Analyst: 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Marathon Bombing

Awful… Esquire Mag Blames “Patriots Day” Supporters for the Boston Bomb Blasts | The Gateway Pundit

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Torture, beatings, worsen condition of American pastor held in Iran | Fox News

.......” On Monday, Abedini told family members during their weekly prison visit that he was severely beaten the day prison officials took him to the hospital. The beatings and internal injuries are causing Abedini to experience frequent fainting spells, he told them.

Iranian officials are telling Abedini it could be an additional two months before he will receive medical treatment, according to his attorneys.”.......

“Such a delay is inhumane and a gross violation of Iran’s international obligations,” said Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice, the organization representing Abedini’s U.S. -based family.

“In addition to refusing to give Pastor Saeed the medical care he needs, it now appears authorities are stepping up their physical abuse and psychological torture. The daily threat that his life could be taken by his internal injuries or by the hands of cellmates, weighs heavily on Pastor Saeed,” Sekulow said.

Abedini also reported to family members that cellmates, who appear to have connections to the Iranian intelligence police, recently threatened they would suffocate him in his sleep, making his death look like an accident.

In a recent letter from his prison cell, Abedini wrote that he cannot even recognize himself after all the beatings and torture he has endured: “My hair was shaven, under my eyes were swollen three times what they should have been, my face was swollen, and my beard had grown.”...........

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Torture, beatings, worsen condition of American pastor held in Iran | Fox News

.......” On Monday, Abedini told family members during their weekly prison visit that he was severely beaten the day prison officials took him to the hospital. The beatings and internal injuries are causing Abedini to experience frequent fainting spells, he told them.

Iranian officials are telling Abedini it could be an additional two months before he will receive medical treatment, according to his attorneys.”.......

“Such a delay is inhumane and a gross violation of Iran’s international obligations,” said Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice, the organization representing Abedini’s U.S. -based family.

“In addition to refusing to give Pastor Saeed the medical care he needs, it now appears authorities are stepping up their physical abuse and psychological torture. The daily threat that his life could be taken by his internal injuries or by the hands of cellmates, weighs heavily on Pastor Saeed,” Sekulow said.

Abedini also reported to family members that cellmates, who appear to have connections to the Iranian intelligence police, recently threatened they would suffocate him in his sleep, making his death look like an accident.

In a recent letter from his prison cell, Abedini wrote that he cannot even recognize himself after all the beatings and torture he has endured: “My hair was shaven, under my eyes were swollen three times what they should have been, my face was swollen, and my beard had grown.”...........

Posted via email from fightingstatism

7.8 magnitude earthquake hits Iran-Pakistan border,worst in 40 yrs ( in #Iran ) hundreds feared dead #iranelections #freeiran

Huge 7.8-magnitude earthquake hits near Iran-Pakistan border

........” US Geological Survey said it had measured the earthquake at magnitude 7.8 and gave its location as 50 miles east-south-east of the town of Khash, in Iran. Though the area is largely desert and mountains, there are several major cities, including Zahedan, only 125 miles away, which has more than half a million inhabitants. An Iranian official quoted by Reuters said hundreds of dead were expected as a result of the quake. "It was the biggest earthquake in Iran in 40 years and we are expecting hundreds of dead," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity."........

RRD: My thoughts are with the people of Iran & Pakistan who are victims or who have family or friends among the victims.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

7.8 magnitude earthquake hits Iran-Pakistan border,worst in 40 yrs ( in #Iran ) hundreds feared dead #iranelections #freeiran

Huge 7.8-magnitude earthquake hits near Iran-Pakistan border

........” US Geological Survey said it had measured the earthquake at magnitude 7.8 and gave its location as 50 miles east-south-east of the town of Khash, in Iran. Though the area is largely desert and mountains, there are several major cities, including Zahedan, only 125 miles away, which has more than half a million inhabitants. An Iranian official quoted by Reuters said hundreds of dead were expected as a result of the quake. "It was the biggest earthquake in Iran in 40 years and we are expecting hundreds of dead," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity."........

RRD: My thoughts are with the people of Iran & Pakistan who are victims or who have family or friends among the victims.

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Friday, April 12, 2013

Update, Manchin-Toomey isn't as bad as we feared,it's much much worse #2ndamendment #tcot #tlot #gunrights

The most through critique of the bill is presented by GAO's legal counsel below. I thought to excerpt from it but--if the author is even remotely correct there are so many problems that it's difficult to know where to begin.

Problems - Gun Owners of America

Also see:

Schumer-Toomey-Manchin Gun Control Legislation: Bad Law on Federal Gun Registry

........” The STM bill fuzzes up the law prohibiting a federal gun registry. First, the legislation says that nothing in the legislation shall be construed to allow establishment of a federal firearms registry. In addition, it says that the Attorney General may not consolidate or centralize records of firearms acquisition and disposition maintained by licensed importers, manufacturers, and dealers, and by buyers and sellers at gun shows (and makes it a crime for him to do so).

But then, the STM bill takes those protections away by using the all-powerful word “notwithstanding”—”notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Attorney General may implement this subsection with regulations.” The courts may construe the “notwithstanding” to allow Attorney General Eric Holder to issue regulations that could begin to create a federal registry of firearms, because the law says he can implement the subsection without regard to the protections against a registry elsewhere in the legislation.

The courts view the word “notwithstanding” as very powerful. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said in 1989 in Crowley Caribbean Transport v. U.S. in reference to the phrase “notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter” that “a clearer statement of intent is difficult to imagine” to push aside other laws. The same court indicated in 1991 in Liberty Maritime Corporation v. U.S. that a grant of authority to a department head to be exercised “notwithstanding” any other law generally grants the broadest possible discretion to the department head. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 1992 in Conoco, Inc. v. Skinner took a somewhat different approach, in which the judges themselves divine the congressional intent whether to let the word “notwithstanding” in a law override other conflicting provisions of the same law."......

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Gun registration does not cause genocide but that it HAS facilitated it is a fact. #tcot #tlot #jcot #2ndamendment

GOP Rep. Duncan likens gun registration to Rwandan genocide - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

..... “The 2nd Amendment is (or should be) equal to the 1st Amendment and the 4th Amendment and all of the others,” Duncan said in his Facebook post. “Ask yourselves why it is under attack? Ask yourselves about a National gun registry database and how that might be used and why it is so wanted by progressives?” Duncan then likened it to a tribal registry in Rwanda. “Read about the Rwandan genocide, the Hutu and Tutsi tribes,” he continued. “Read that all Tutsi tribe members were required to register their address with the Hutu government and that this database was used to locate Tutsi for slaughter at the hands of the Hutu.” Duncan wrote that since the government had the names and addresses of nearly all Tutsis living in Rwanda, “the killers could go door to door, slaughtering the Tutsis.”
He wrote that each Rwandan “had an identity card that labeled them Tutsi, Hutu, or Twa.” Duncan accused Democrats of “preying on the fears” of citizens. “I use this example to warn that national databases can be used with evil consequences,” he said. “Preying on the fears of the American citizenry is
not good governance.”.....

RRD: While I agree with this in principle I regard it as much more likely that a gun database will be used to harrass or target innocent people (as already happened when a newspaper published the names of gun owners fn1) & also to confiscate guns ultimately. It should be noted however that the danger of this particular bill a(s far as registration is concerned) is not that it creates a central database ( it does not) but that the records kept could ultimately be seized & fed into such a database in the future. This is precisely why Senator Coburn ultimately decided to oppose it. Further there are other equally serious problems with the bill that I list in the post below:

Why we should stop the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer deal plus contact info - The Neointellectual



N.Y. Gun Owner’s Home Burglarized After Newspaper Publishes Names of Gun Permit Holders | Fox News Insider

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Monday, April 8, 2013

How not to remember the Holocaust #YomHashoah #neveragain #ccot #jcot #tjot #tcot

How not to remember the Holocaust « — ציונות פרסנו

RRD: I don't agree with everything that he says here but I have posted the segment that I do agree with.

....." Which brings me to the general problem I have with all of these ways of commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. They are entirely consistent with total ignorance of the real lesson of the Holocaust for Jews, which is not that 6,000,000 is a big number, or that the death of a child is horrible, or that genocide is bad everywhere, in Rwanda or Armenia or anywhere else. This is why it is possible for some Jews to light candles, cry, and ‘dialogue’ about the need for cross- cultural understanding with non-Jews until the cows come home, and then go out and (for example) join a demonstration against Jews moving into eastern Jerusalem." ......

RRD: I am interrupting at this point to note that I know exactly what he is referring to & he understates it by talking about people protesting "against Jews moving into Eastern Jerusalem."

...."The Jewish lesson of the Holocaust is this: Jew hatred is real, it is dangerous, and it is not possible for Jews to depend on others, no matter how well-intentioned they may seem, to protect them. For almost two thousand years, the Jewish people depended on others, and the result was periods of tolerance interspersed with persecutions, expulsions and murder. Generations of Jews have learned this lesson from events: Herzl learned it from the Dreyfus case, and Jabotinsky from the Kishniev pogrom of 1903. Unfortunately, the history of modern Israel is also filled with such ‘teaching moments’. There is a solution to the problem. It doesn’t end Jew- hatred and it doesn’t absolutely guarantee Jewish survival. But it is the best chance for the latter, in both the physical and cultural senses. It is, of course, Jewish independence — that is, Zionism."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Victim disarmament advocates: Warsaw Ghetto fighters made things worse for the Jews #tcot #2ndamendment #jcot #tjot #ccot

Hitler Joins Gun Control Debate, But History Is In Dispute

ADL's Ken Jacobson (quoted in piece)

....."is such an absurdity and so offensive and just undermines any real understanding of what the Holocaust was about," "If they do believe it, they're making no serious examination of what the Nazi regime was about. "....

RRD: Actually almost no one argues that advocating for victim disarmament automatically makes you a Nazi,( since after all Nazi analogies may only be directed at Conservatives like Barry Goldwater,Bush & the Teaparty "extremists" fn1 ) We simply point out the objective fact that the legally disarmed cannot resist their murderers with guns, an argument so "absurd" that it was made repeatedly by the Founding Fathers ( fn2) & by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (fn3) who was an actual survivor of Stalin's murderous Gulags.
What's more while the ADL has done ( & continues to do) good work from time to time ,the ADL has also repeatedly placed its liberalism before its support of Israel or its opposition to anti-semitism. (fn4)
So I take their "outrage" with a grain of salt.

The AP then quotes some "objective" "historians" :

.... "To suggest that the targeting of Jews in any of the gun regulations or any of the other regulations is somehow tied to Nazis' view of guns is entirely misleading," Harcourt said, "because the Nazis believed in a greater deregulation of firearms. Firearms were viewed, for the good German, were something to which they had rights."

With the 1938 law, Nazis seized guns from Jewish homes. But few Jews owned guns and they composed just 2 percent of the population in a country that strongly backed Hitler. By the time the law passed, Jews were so marginalized and spread among so many cities, there was no possibility of them putting up meaningful resistance, even with guns, said Robert Gellately, a professor of history at Florida State University and author of "Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany."

"Once the Germans began adopting that strategy there really wasn't very much that people armed with pistols, or even rifles and machine guns, could do," said Paulsson, the historian and author of "Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw."

”Paulsson said it is possible that if Polish Jews had limited their resistance, Nazi troops might not have destroyed the ghetto, allowing more to survive in hiding or escape. When armed Jews shot at mobs or troops at other times in 1930s and 1940s Poland, it incited more vicious counter-attacks, he said.”

”But Paulsson, whose mother was freed from the Auschwitz concentration camp at the end of the war, dismisses that argument as twisting the facts."

...."Objectively, it might have made things worse" if the Jews who fought the Nazis in the 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising in Poland had more and better guns, said historian Steve Paulsson, an expert on the period whose Jewish family survived the city's destruction."....


....." To suggest that the targeting of Jews in any of the gun regulations or any of the other regulations is somehow tied to Nazis' view of guns is entirely misleading," Harcourt said, "because the Nazis believed in a greater deregulation of firearms. Firearms were viewed, for the good German, were something to which they had rights." ....

RRD: You see the Nazis were not opposed to gun rights,they simply opposed gun rights for Jews. By the same token the Nazis did not favor murder,they just favored murdering Jews,after all they were not supporters of murdering everyone,just Jews. One could even say that the Nazis opposed murder,after all it was illegal for a Jew to murder a German wasn't it? So the Nazis were "anti-murder". By the same token the Confederacy was not "pro-slavery" since they just favored slavery for blacks but not for whites. And the South's attacks on the Second Amendment rights of Freed Slaves were not "gun control" since they only targeted Blacks & Republicans. These are the putrid buffons who delude themselves into thinking that they are brilliant intellectuals.

..... "Once the Germans began adopting that strategy there really wasn't very much that people armed with pistols, or even rifles and machine guns, could do," said Paulsson, the historian and author of "Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw.".......

RRD: As opposed to what the wholly disarmed who marched into the gas chambers could do? It is true that some Second Amendment advocates are prone to making sweeping statements such as "If the Jews were armed there never would have been a Holocaust" a statement that plays into the hands of opponents of the Second Amendment by making the issue about "whether the Jews could effectively resist the Holocaust” (though some who escaped to the marshes did) when the actual issue is whether innocent people have the right to own guns to defend themselves against their government if it becomes a dictatorship. Many gun control advocates seriously argue that "only the police & military should possess guns" it is perfectly appropriate to point out to these fools that the logical end point of their argument is that the Warsaw Ghetto Fighters had no right to own guns. It is the gun control advocate's repeated refusal to acknowledge that there are any circumstances where people may have the right to own or use guns to defend themselves against their government (if it is a dictatorship) that has prompted the obvious point that this State Worshipping attitude can only lead one to favor the disarmament of the Warsaw Ghetto Fighters ( if one is consistent.) I have noted before that leftists often warn that our government is on the verge of becoming a dictatorship when they are discussing the Fourth or Fifth Amendment but then suddenly become authoritarians whenever gun control comes up. (fn5).
Insurgencies fail three out of four times but whether Americans would succeed in resisting a dictatorship is IRRELEVANT to the fundamental question of whether they have the RIGHT to resist one.

...."Paulsson said it is possible that if Polish Jews had limited their resistance, Nazi troops might not have destroyed the ghetto, allowing more to survive in hiding or escape. When armed Jews shot at mobs or troops at other times in 1930s and 1940s Poland, it incited more vicious counter-attacks, he said."....

...."Objectively, it might have made things worse" if the Jews who fought the Nazis in the 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising in Poland had more and better guns, said historian Steve Paulsson, an expert on the period whose Jewish family survived the city's destruction."....

RRD: I do wish that those who still do not grasp the magnitude of the evil that we are dealing with would read this. And then reread it. And then reread it again until the full nature of our enemies penetrates their skulls.

:..." When armed Jews shot at mobs or troops at other times in 1930s and 1940s Poland, it incited more vicious counter-attacks".....


Incited as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary ( British & World English ):

" Definition of incite verb [with object]

urge or persuade (someone) to act in a violent or unlawful way:





late 15th century (earlier (late Middle English) as incitation): from French inciter , from Latin incitare, from in -'towards' + citare 'rouse'

Nearby words

incised meander incision incisive incisor incisure incite inciteful incitement incivility incl. inclement


encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behaviour): they conspired to incite riots

he incited loyal subjects to rebellion

Copyright © 2013 Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

Definition of incite in Oxford Dictionaries (US English) (US)

verb [with object]

urge or persuade (someone) to act in a violent or unlawful way:



Pronunciation: /ˌinsīˈtāSHən/

noun inciter



late 15th century: from French inciter , from Latin incitare, from in - 'toward' + citare 'rouse'

incised meander incision incisive incisor incisure incite inciteful incitement incivility incl. inclement

Copyright © 2013 Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

Incited as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary:

incited - definition in American English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary Online

......”to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent, or to cause violent or unpleasant actions: The ads were trying to incite public opinion against the government.”....

Incited as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary:

American Heritage Dictionary Entry: incite

Incite (ĭn-sīt)

......”tr.v. in·cit·ed, in·cit·ing, in·cites To provoke and urge on: troublemakers who incite riots; inciting workers to strike. See Synonyms at provoke.

[Middle English encyten, from Old French enciter , from Latin incit āre , to urge forward : in-, intensive pref.; see IN -2 + citāre , to stimulate, frequentative of ciēre , to put in motion; see keiə- in Indo-European roots.]

in·cite ment n. in·citer n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. ”......

incite - definition. American English definition of incite by Macmillan Dictionary

saɪt /

to encourage people to be violent or commit crimes by making them angry or excited He was accused of inciting racial hatred. incite someone to (do) something : It was alleged that Cox had incited other prisoners to riot .

Incited as defined by

incited | Example Sentences at Mobile

verb 1. But it was actually the police that had incited the riot. 2. Irritation of body, produced by utter filth and exposure, incited her to the horrid process of tearing off her skin by inches. 3. They're blinded by the populism of their leaders and by the hatred that's been incited in them. 4. Stories that did not concern war often incited children to demonstrate physical courage. 5. He incited a national politics of paranoia and retribution. 6. And his watered -down apology incited a harsh response. 7. The blaze of hagiography in which he died seems to have incited critics to special fury. 8. The officer also testified the gesture further incited the already frenzied crowd. 9. In fact, these words incited quite a discussion in my own office. 10. Still, they incited much false grievance and violence.

Incited as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary:


Main Entry: in·cite Pronunciation: \in-ˈ sīt\Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): in·cit·ed; in·cit·ing Etymology: Middle French inciter, from Latin incitare, from in-+ citare to put in motion —more at CITE Date: 15th century : to move to action : stir up : spur on : urge on

— in·cit·ant \-ˈ sī-t ə nt\ noun

— in·cite·ment \-ˈ sīt-mənt\ noun — in·cit·er noun synonyms INCITE, INSTIGATE, ABET, FOMENT mean to spur to action. INCITE stresses a stirring up and urging on, and may or may not imply initiating <inciting a riot>. INSTIGATE definitely implies responsibility for initiating another's action and often connotes underhandedness or evil intention <instigated a conspiracy>. ABET implies both assisting and encouraging <aiding and abetting the enemy>. FOMENT implies persistence in goading <fomenting rebellion>.

RRD: Some time ago I wrote the following in my diary , but did not post it :

"So unhinged is the opposition to the Second Amendment, & the moral equivalency between self-defense & murder is so deeply ingrained in the minds of many leftists that it is only a matter of time before the Judenräte are hailed as wise & level-headed saviors of the Jews akin to Gandhi & Dr.King & the Warsaw Ghetto fighters are portrayed as violent ”cowboys” who ”provoked” the Nazis by their use of their evil "gun violence" against the Nazis' more peaceful "gas violence".

Paulsson has stopped just short of this but what he is saying is that, in effect, that the Nazis were actually acting in the Jews' best interests by disarming them .
No doubt someone will come forward to demand that the Jews thank the Nazis & condemn the Warsaw Ghetto fighters. One would have thought that the wholesale extermination of those who DID NOT resist or "incite" anyone would have put this "violence is never the answer" rubbish to bed once and for all,but one cannot talk someone out of his religion.

The photoshopped newsheadline is from the People's Cube:

Historians: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Was Overreaction

As to Paulsson's "moral authority" in his being (allegedly) the child of a Holocaust Survivor, I will repeat what I said about Howard Gutman:

The full text of the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium's anti-semitic speech is now available.I rebut it. - fightingstatism

....." The fact that Gutman is a son of a Holocaust Survivor makes him all the more depraved."But what if his father defends him!"Then his father is either a fool defending a self-hating jew out of some deluded parental loyalty,or is himself a self-hating jew. Let us not be naive. There were all kinds of people:moral,immoral,virtuous,depraved,& everything in between in the camps. None deserved death. But self-hating jews were there alongside the righteous. The Nazis did not pick and choose.The fact that someone survived the Holocaust should make it all the more INEXCUSABLE for them to whitewash the rabid,insane,anti-semitism of the Muslims,much less invoking their status as a Holocaust Survivor to lend credence to their denial of Muslim Anti-semitism. (I should note,that I am simply pointing out that if Gutman's father defended him,he should be condemned,for all I know Gutman's father is outraged,or,if dead,turning over in his grave.) But even if one were naive enough to give such a person the benefit of the doubt:What of it?Being in a death camp does not alter the irrefutable and overwhelming evidence of Muslim anti-semitism. "......

RRD: And being the son of a Holocaust survivor does not entitle you to claim that those who defended themselves "incited" the "reprisals" that were ”worse” than what came before,or to parrot the absurd rationalizations of the ”Jewish Elders” that the Nazis would be even more murderous if the Jews resisted them.

I conclude by returning to the land of the sane to quote one of those who helped "incite" the Nazis by arming the Jewish Partisans.

Icchak Cukierman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

” In 1968, the 25th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, Zuckerman was asked what military lessons could be learned from the uprising. He replied:

"I don’t think there’s any real need to analyze the Uprising in military terms. This was a war of less than a thousand people against a mighty army and no one doubted how it was likely to turn out. This isn’t a subject for study in military school. ... If there’s a school to study the human spirit, there it should be a major subject. The important things were inherent in the force shown by Jewish youth after years of degradation, to rise up against their destroyers, and determine what death they would choose: Treblinka or Uprising." .......

A. Polonsky, (2012), The Jews in Poland and Russia, Volume III, 1914 to 2008, p.537

Or as the British would say : It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. But I doubt Paulsson would understand that.



Looking Back at Schorr’s Goldwater-Nazi Axis CBS Evening News Hit Piece | NewsBusters

House Democrat Leaders: Tea Partiers Are Racist, Nazi, Gun Nuts | The Weekly Standard


Madison,Mason,Adams,Coxe,Webster,Patrick Henry etc on the supposedly non-existent right to own guns #tcot #tlot #secondamendment - fightingstatism


I cite this because of its endorsement of resistance. To say that I do not agree that those who did not resist "deserved" anything that happened to them is a understatement.

The Gun Zone RKBA 8 -- Gun Quotes

""And how we burned in the camps later,thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been
uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs
hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, polkers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you'd be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur --what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!" "If… if… We didn't love freedom enough. And even more -- we had no awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! ……….. We purely and simply deserved everything that
happened afterward."

- Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, The
Gulag Archipelago: 1918-1956


Major Jewish Groups Facing Backlash Over Pledge to Keep Israel Out of Campaign Debate |

Hagel Would Not Have Been Our Choice for Defense Secretary

ADL Crosses the Line with Report Bashing Obama Critics


Second Amendment FAQS : Gun Control argument : ” Why do you fear our troops?” - fightingstatism

Durbin :2012 ”creepy” to fear gov /Durbin : 2005 U.S. gov actions Nazi-like #tcot #tlot #2ndamendment - fightingstatism

The Left's double standards regarding Gun Control,dictatorships,& ”concern for the innocent” - fightingstatism

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Thursday, March 21, 2013

#IopposeObamacare because it violates individual rights,starting with the right to your own life. #obamacare #teaparty - fightingstatism

I first posted this in 2012 (I have edited it slightly) . There is not much more to say without going into a elaborate essay about the evils of Government controlled healthcare . I will be away over the weekend & over the next week so I am posting this ahead of the March 23rd anniversary of the signing of this monstrosity into law.

#IopposeObamacare because it violates individual rights,starting with the right to your own life. #obamacare #teaparty - fightingstatism

I oppose Obamacare because socialized medicine i.e.: government run health care,violates the ONLY real "right to health care" that exists: The right to freely make what arrangements you wish for your health care without government interference. I oppose it because it violates individual rights. I oppose it because it violates the rights of both Doctors and Patients. I oppose it because it is bureaucrat -run medicine and not free market healthcare,(which we do NOT have in this country) which violates the real right to health care. I oppose it because bureaucrat -run medicine will kill the innocent by denying them of life saving medical care which the government deems to be "wasteful" of "our limited resources” . ( See Britain's ”quality adjusted life years” rationing standard.) Such rationing is inevitable under socialized medicine. ( And unlike the "rationing" of the free market it is imposed by the initiation of physical force b y the state ). And as with so many other schemes to expand government control of our lives, the actual effect will be diametrically opposed to its supposed intent: While the wealthly,including ne'er do well leftists & those with political clout ,will always be able to bypass government controls (again see Britain) those in the middle & lower economic strata will be at the mercy of the dictator-bureaucrat with a god complex.
( I mention this to point out how absurd & self-deluded the supporters of socialized medicine are when they profess to be ”friends of the poor” . Obviously the situation would not be improved by being more consistently destructive towards the wealthly .)

Further I oppose Obamacare it because it is NEITHER MORAL NOR PRACTICAL to deprive people of their rights.

They say no nation,once it has enacted socialized medicine,can ever return to freedom.

They said that about communism too.

Anyone been to Latvia lately ?

That which is done,can be undone.

For more see below:

Health Care Is Not a Right

And here:

I Oppose ObamaCare

and here:

Our Educational Kit for Students

The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights: To Fix American Healthcare, Get the Government Out of It

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS

#IopposeObamacare because it violates individual rights,starting with the right to your own life. #obamacare #teaparty - fightingstatism

I first posted this in 2012 (I have edited it slightly) . There is not much more to say without going into a elaborate essay about the evils of Government controlled healthcare . I will be away over the weekend & over the next week so I am posting this ahead of the March 23rd anniversary of the signing of this monstrosity into law.

#IopposeObamacare because it violates individual rights,starting with the right to your own life. #obamacare #teaparty - fightingstatism

I oppose Obamacare because socialized medicine i.e.: government run health care,violates the ONLY real "right to health care" that exists: The right to freely make what arrangements you wish for your health care without government interference. I oppose it because it violates individual rights. I oppose it because it violates the rights of both Doctors and Patients. I oppose it because it is bureaucrat -run medicine and not free market healthcare,(which we do NOT have in this country) which violates the real right to health care. I oppose it because bureaucrat -run medicine will kill the innocent by denying them of life saving medical care which the government deems to be "wasteful" of "our limited resources” . ( See Britain's ”quality adjusted life years” rationing standard.) Such rationing is inevitable under socialized medicine. ( And unlike the "rationing" of the free market it is imposed by the initiation of physical force b y the state ). And as with so many other schemes to expand government control of our lives, the actual effect will be diametrically opposed to its supposed intent: While the wealthly,including ne'er do well leftists & those with political clout ,will always be able to bypass government controls (again see Britain) those in the middle & lower economic strata will be at the mercy of the dictator-bureaucrat with a god complex.
( I mention this to point out how absurd & self-deluded the supporters of socialized medicine are when they profess to be ”friends of the poor” . Obviously the situation would not be improved by being more consistently destructive towards the wealthly .)

Further I oppose Obamacare it because it is NEITHER MORAL NOR PRACTICAL to deprive people of their rights.

They say no nation,once it has enacted socialized medicine,can ever return to freedom.

They said that about communism too.

Anyone been to Latvia lately ?

That which is done,can be undone.

For more see below:

Health Care Is Not a Right

And here:

I Oppose ObamaCare

and here:

Our Educational Kit for Students

The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights: To Fix American Healthcare, Get the Government Out of It

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Castro apologist /Michael Moore declares war on Harry Reid: ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’ #tcot #tlot #2ndamendment

Michael Moore declares war on Harry Reid: ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’ | Mobile Washington Examiner

...... “This is just going to keep going on and on and on,until people rise up,” Moore insisted. “Until people take Harry Reid by the collar and say, ‘Who the hell do you think you are, this is our country Harry Reid.’ “He should be ashamed of himself,” Morgan agreed. Moore asserted that Reid would act differently “if a man with an assault weapon killed Harry Reid’s grandchildren,” berating the Senate leader for being
a coward. ”......

RRD: Well we know what Moore is:

No I really do not think that Castro apologist M.Moore's desire to have pictures of the dead Sandy Hook children shown is due to his concern for human suffering #tcot #tlot #2ndamendment - fightingstatism

......``You are being told that your mother died trying to bring you to freedom. I am so sorry to have to tell you, that's not true. The Cuban court granted your father custody of you, and your mother decided to kidnap you. She placed your life in horrible jeopardy by putting you in a leaky, overcrowded raft that eventually sank, killing everyone except you and two others. . . . The worst that could be said is that, in Cuba, you were in jeopardy of receiving free health care whenever you needed it, an excellent education in one of the few countries that has 100% literacy, and a better chance of your baby brother being born and making it to his first birthday than if he had been born in Washington, D.C.”.... .

RRD: In his latest rant Moore went on to say that he hasn't forgotten Columbine (neither have I ,I just don't use it as a rationalization to disarm the innocent ) & added that "he's been busy" . True,he was making a film --Fahrenheit 9/11-- which warned of threats to our liberties posed by the Bush administration's anti-terror policies. Oddly Moore--unlike some other more consistent people on the left-- is not making movies about the threat posed to our civil liberties by Obama's anti-terror polices even though many of the policies that civil libertarians objected to under Bush to are still there.
But then it isn't really that odd is it? After all Moore as a apologist for Castro's dictatorship really was never concerned about civil liberties,any more than he is concerned about Sandy Hook, which serves his purpose of turning the country into a authoritarian state. Or to be precise an authoritarian state under the ”right” leadership.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Matthew's ”reasoning” would lead to labeling the ACLU as ”9/11 truthers” #2ndamendment #tcot #tlot

Guilt By Association: Chris Matthews Links Ted Cruz in Story on 'Sandy Hook Truthers' | Media Research Center

RRD: What is this,a stupidity contest? By Matthew's "reasoning" the ACLU was composed of 9/11 "truthers" because they dared to challenge the legality of some of the actions that our government has undertaken in the "war on terror" & the opponents of illegal wiretapping wanted "every criminal to be free to conspire over the phone" because they were critical of the warrantless wiretapping scheme.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Musings on predicting the future : The past is not prologue.

One can predict the result of a idea that is adopted & that is applied consistently. The ideas that you choose to follow determine your actions. But YOU determine what ideas you will hold. And you bear sole responsibility for those beliefs. Not history. Not precedent. If this were not true we would never have left the cave or had a renaissance. Free will is not loaded dice,it isn't even dice. One can make judgements about a individual today based on the available information; & you can only act on the available data,but you must not fall into a deterministic trap of forgetting that people are not machines,or electrons,or Rube-Goldberg contraptions.
They have free will. If they continue on a course it is because they choose to actively do so,if they stop or change course it is also because they choose to do so.
A person's beliefs & actions can not be conditioned by past actions or by mistaken beliefs that they held in the past. A person cannot bind their mind with their beliefs of today. A Individual himself cannot know ahead of time what he will choose to do or believe in the future,precisely because he has free will. How then can another--who lacks the capacity to know your thoughts--predict your actions,much less the actions of millions. It is for this reason that I believe that there can be no grand overarching theory of history;in the sense of inevitable cycles or theories predicting what people will do (unless they are conditional theories e.g. ”If x does y then z will take place,x is doing y,therefore unless.x stops doing y ,z will take place”) This does not preclude disaster,since people can choose to pursue a disastrous course,but it precludes fatalism or over-determinism. The day may come when the only thing that is left of America that is worth saving is t hose few individuals who still possess its spirit. That day has not come & may never come. The past is not prologue.


If you are asking ”what brought this on” the answer is nothing in particular it's simply something that occurred to me.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mitch McConnell Declares Surrender on #Obamacare RedState #tcot #tlot

........” The part of his speech that McConnell hopes you ignore is him saying, “When it came to Obamacare,we gave it everything we have, everything we have, and we just lost.” He’s also signaling that the Senate Republicans will neither filibuster the continuing resolution nor shut down the government.The continuing resolution is the best vehicle to use as a fight to defund Obamacare. Republicans will not, despite their rhetoric right now, fight on the debt ceiling to undermine Obamacare. This is the fight. McConnell has a history of throwing red meat to the crowd then turning his back on them. Last February, Jim DeMint offered an amendment to defund Obamacare. McConnell refused to offer it up as a Republican amendment in the Senate because he did not want to anger Harry Reid. The backlash caused McConnell to promise a month long PR campaign about Obamacare the following

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Mitch McConnell Declares Surrender on #Obamacare RedState #tcot #tlot

........” The part of his speech that McConnell hopes you ignore is him saying, “When it came to Obamacare,we gave it everything we have, everything we have, and we just lost.” He’s also signaling that the Senate Republicans will neither filibuster the continuing resolution nor shut down the government.The continuing resolution is the best vehicle to use as a fight to defund Obamacare. Republicans will not, despite their rhetoric right now, fight on the debt ceiling to undermine Obamacare. This is the fight. McConnell has a history of throwing red meat to the crowd then turning his back on them. Last February, Jim DeMint offered an amendment to defund Obamacare. McConnell refused to offer it up as a Republican amendment in the Senate because he did not want to anger Harry Reid. The backlash caused McConnell to promise a month long PR campaign about Obamacare the following

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS

The Assault on the #2ndamendment rights of the non-violently mentally ill continues as #Fl legislator seeks to close non-existent ”loophole” #tcot #tlot #twisters

Florida rep files bill to bar mentally ill from buying guns | | The Gun Writer

......” Tallahassee – Since the fourth week in January, 2013,
Florida State Rep. Barbara Watson has been
consulting with subject matter experts from the
Florida Supreme Court Mental Health Task Force, the
National Rifle Association, and the Florida Department
of Law Enforcement to further enhance Florida’s
ability to keep persons with mental illnesses who are
known to be a danger to themselves or others from
purchasing firearms in Florida. “I am pleased to have
the support of experts with whom we have worked to
develop a bill that will give us further protection
against people with mental illnesses buying firearms,”
said Representative Watson.
The specific problem, identified by Rep. Watson, deals
with situations where people with mental illnesses
who are a danger to self or others agree to a
voluntary commitment for treatment to avoid an
involuntary commitment proceeding, then quickly
check themselves out of the mental health facility
and have no record in the National Instant Check
System (NICS) database to prohibit them from
purchasing a firearm.
Under HB 1355, a person could be prohibited from
purchasing a firearm if the examining physician finds
the person imminently dangerous to himself or others
and files a special certificate that if the person doesn’t
agree to voluntary commitment for treatment, an
involuntary commitment petition will be filed.
At the time the person is diagnosed as dangerous, the
person would receive written notice of the
certification and agrees to accept voluntary
commitment with a full understanding that he or she
will be prohibited from purchasing a firearm or
applying for a concealed weapons or firearms license
or retaining one.
The bill would require speedy transmission of this
information to the county court; if a judge approves
the record for submission to the instant check system,
it is sent along quickly to the FDLE for entry into NICS.
Relief from the disability would be available through
the existing statutory process.
If the person disagrees or feels strongly about not
giving up his gun rights, the person can refuse to sign
and the petition for involuntary commitment can
move ahead.Essentially, the bill language closes the gap in the
Baker Act process and allows the state to put a
prohibition on dangerous people who should be
prohibited from having a firearm.”....

Except for the fact that there is no ”loophole” (see below) & except for the fact that we should not treat those who have depression & who attempt suicide in the same way that we treat homicidal maniacs this would be a brilliant idea.
First I'm relieved to learn that a battered wife who attempts suicide ( and who is therefore a "danger to herself" ) will be "protected" from buying the firearm that she needs
to defend herself from her 300 pound batterer when her restraining order fails to magically restrain the brute. It is morally obscene to equate the suicidal with the homicidal. Nor would prohibiting someone who has attempted suicide prevent them from attempting suicide again by any one of a number of countless other ways . It would be trivially easy for a suicidal battered spouse to be stripped of her Second Amendment rights by a Judge who thinks that ”guns are never the answer” ,and how easy would it be & how long would it take for a abused spouse to recover her rights? Before or after her abuser hunts her down?
And how many psychiatrists would expose themselves to potential liability by writing a letter urging the Judge to restore someone's Second Amendment rights ( assuming that the psychiatrist even believed in the Second Amendment)
This is not a ”hypothetical” case ,I personally know of at least one battered spouse who would fall into this category. Battered women often suffer from depression & often blame themselves for the abuse.
And what is the basis for this claim that significant numbers of dangerous people are being Baker Acted & then cleverly exploiting this imaginary loophole to release themselves early? It is true that under the existing law (in Florida) if a person is Baker acted they can choose to be admitted on a voluntary basis & then decide to check out against Doctor's orders BUT ONLY IF THE DOCTOR DOES NOT SEEK TO SWITCH THE PERSON BACK TO INVOLUNTARY STATUS. This is plain from the statute. (fn1) There is no ”loophole” unless the Doctor fails to do his job (in which case the law is moot) The BEST CASE SCENARIO if this bill passes would be a massive increase in Court cases since someone who attempted suicide would have no choice but to go to court if they wished to retain their Second Amendment rights; this would enormously complicate the treatment of depression since patients & doctors would be forced into a adversarial relationship with temporary in-patient treatmen t rendered off-limits to those who wished to preserve their Second Amendment rights. And this does not even begin to address the problem of politically motivated individuals exploiting the system to ”protect” the mentally ill from gun ownership.



See 5.

394.4625  Voluntary admissions

(a) A facility shall discharge a voluntary patient:
1.  Who has sufficiently improved so that retention
in the facility is no longer desirable. A patient may
also be discharged to the care of a community facility.
2.  Who revokes consent to admission or requests
discharge. A voluntary patient or a relative, friend, or
attorney of the patient may request discharge either
orally or in writing at any time following admission to
the facility. The patient must be discharged within 24
hours of the request, unless the request is rescinded
or the patient is transferred to involuntary status
pursuant to this section. The 24-hour time period may
be extended by a treatment facility when necessary
for adequate discharge planning, but shall not exceed
3 days exclusive of weekends and holidays. If the
patient, or another on the patient’s behalf, makes an
oral request for discharge to a staff member, such
request shall be immediately entered in the patient’s
clinical record. If the request for discharge is made by
a person other than the patient, the discharge may
be conditioned upon the express and informed
consent of the patient.
(b) A voluntary patient who has been admitted to
a facility and who refuses to consent to or revokes
consent to treatment shall be discharged within 24
hours after such refusal or revocation, unless
transferred to involuntary status pursuant to this
section or unless the refusal or revocation is freely
and voluntarily rescinded by the patient.
of admission and at least every 6 months thereafter,
a voluntary patient shall be notified in writing of his
or her right to apply for a discharge.
involuntary patient who applies to be transferred to
voluntary status shall be transferred to voluntary
status immediately, unless the patient has been
charged with a crime, or has been involuntarily
placed for treatment by a court pursuant to s. 394.467
and continues to meet the criteria for involuntary
placement. When transfer to voluntary status occurs,
notice shall be given as provided in s. 394.4599.
voluntary patient, or an authorized person on the
patient’s behalf, makes a request for discharge, the
request for discharge, unless freely and voluntarily
rescinded, must be communicated to a physician,
clinical psychologist, or psychiatrist as quickly as
possible, but not later than 12 hours after the
request is made. If the patient meets the criteria for
involuntary placement, the administrator of the
facility must file with the court a petition for
involuntary placement, within 2 court working days
after the request for discharge is made. If the petition
is not filed within 2 court working days, the patient
shall be discharged. Pending the filing of the petition,
the patient may be held and emergency treatment
rendered in the least restrictive manner, upon the
written order of a physician, if it is determined that
such treatment is necessary for the safety of the
patient or others.
History. —s. 8, ch. 71-131; s. 7, ch. 73-133; s. 109,
ch. 73-333; s. 8, ch. 79-298; s. 11, ch. 82-212; s. 709,
ch. 95-148; s. 17, ch. 96-169; s. 22, ch. 99-394.
Note. — Former s. 394.465.

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS