RRD:Yes it is a made up headline.But it represents the true meaning of his words.
....."But he sold it as a "good start," saying the government will now spend $78 billion less than would have been the case if Democrats had their way.".....(fn1)
RRD:Let me explain this to Boehner & the Boehnerphiles very,very slowly.Saying that you gained $78 billion,because the Democrats wanted to spend even more tells them that THEY set the terms of the negotiations & the debate.It tells Obama that if he had only set the bar higher he could wipe out all these cuts(which were pathetic when they were $100 billion).Indeed he could demand no cuts,& $200 billion in increases,& Boehner would be crying "victory" if spending were INCREASED by ONLY $100 billion.I am reminded of Richard Carstone,the spendthrift character in Bleak House,who "reasoned" :
...."Because I gave eight pounds odd (or whatever it was) for a certain neat waistcoat and buttons a few days ago. Now, if I had stayed at Badger's, I should have been obliged to spend twelve pounds at a blow for some heartbreaking le,cture-fees. So I make four pounds —in a lump —by the transaction!"...(fn2)
This is the mindset of the man who is supposed to lead us from diaster.
Fn1. John Boehner: John Boehner says he's built good working relationship with Obama - latimes.com
...." Looking back on the deal reached Friday, Boehner said it was by no means perfect, and even predicted members of his caucus are likely to vote against it. But he sold it as a "good start," saying the government will now spend $78 billion less than would have been the case if Democrats had their way. And he credited the "tea party" movement for driving that progress.".....
Fn2: Bleak House pg 138
http://books.google.com/books?id=e7I-AAAAYAAJ&vq=So%20I%20make%20four%20pound...&q=So%20I%20make%20four%20pounds%20%E2%80%94in%20a%20lump%20%E2%80%94by%20the%20transaction&f=false ..."All this time he was, in money affairs, what I have described him in a former illustration,—generous, profuse, wildly careless, but fully persuaded that he was rather calculating and prudent. I happened to say to Ada, in his presence, half jestingly, half seriously,"about the time of his going to Mr. Kenge's, that he needed to have Fortunatus's purse, he made so light of money, which he answered in this way : —"My jewel of a dear cousin, you hear this old woman! Why does she say that ? Because I gave eight pounds odd (or whatever it was) for a certain neat waistcoat and buttons a few days ago. Now, if I had stayed at Badger's, I should have been obliged to spend twelve pounds at a blow for some heartbreaking lecture-fees. So I make four pounds —in a lump —by the transaction!"....
....."But he sold it as a "good start," saying the government will now spend $78 billion less than would have been the case if Democrats had their way.".....(fn1)
RRD:Let me explain this to Boehner & the Boehnerphiles very,very slowly.Saying that you gained $78 billion,because the Democrats wanted to spend even more tells them that THEY set the terms of the negotiations & the debate.It tells Obama that if he had only set the bar higher he could wipe out all these cuts(which were pathetic when they were $100 billion).Indeed he could demand no cuts,& $200 billion in increases,& Boehner would be crying "victory" if spending were INCREASED by ONLY $100 billion.I am reminded of Richard Carstone,the spendthrift character in Bleak House,who "reasoned" :
...."Because I gave eight pounds odd (or whatever it was) for a certain neat waistcoat and buttons a few days ago. Now, if I had stayed at Badger's, I should have been obliged to spend twelve pounds at a blow for some heartbreaking le,cture-fees. So I make four pounds —in a lump —by the transaction!"...(fn2)
This is the mindset of the man who is supposed to lead us from diaster.
Fn1. John Boehner: John Boehner says he's built good working relationship with Obama - latimes.com
...." Looking back on the deal reached Friday, Boehner said it was by no means perfect, and even predicted members of his caucus are likely to vote against it. But he sold it as a "good start," saying the government will now spend $78 billion less than would have been the case if Democrats had their way. And he credited the "tea party" movement for driving that progress.".....
Fn2: Bleak House pg 138
http://books.google.com/books?id=e7I-AAAAYAAJ&vq=So%20I%20make%20four%20pound...&q=So%20I%20make%20four%20pounds%20%E2%80%94in%20a%20lump%20%E2%80%94by%20the%20transaction&f=false ..."All this time he was, in money affairs, what I have described him in a former illustration,—generous, profuse, wildly careless, but fully persuaded that he was rather calculating and prudent. I happened to say to Ada, in his presence, half jestingly, half seriously,"about the time of his going to Mr. Kenge's, that he needed to have Fortunatus's purse, he made so light of money, which he answered in this way : —"My jewel of a dear cousin, you hear this old woman! Why does she say that ? Because I gave eight pounds odd (or whatever it was) for a certain neat waistcoat and buttons a few days ago. Now, if I had stayed at Badger's, I should have been obliged to spend twelve pounds at a blow for some heartbreaking lecture-fees. So I make four pounds —in a lump —by the transaction!"....
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