Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Maybe Obama HAS BEEN reading Atlas Shrugged he seems to have gotten ideas from Directive #10-289 #tcot #aynrand



Obama's commandments:

1.Thou shalt not earn lesseth than thou previously earneth:It isn't fair.(pout)

2.Thou shalt not hoggeth all the jobs,by being willing to worketh more than one job:It isn't fair.

Of course the reality is that in a meritocracy it is quite fair to hold as many jobs as you want & can hold;(And in Obama's America it is increasingly necessary,if you are able to find such work.)But Obama regards this as a archaic remnant from the B.O.E (Before Obama Era) ;from the "old,tired,& worn out,you're on your own society",not suited for HIS "bright,shiny & new" "We're all in this together,(under My rule)society".

But,hey,pay no attention to me.I'm just one of those old(actually mid-30s),white-christan-racist(actually Jewish)males who would be cheerfully supporting Obama if only he was white.

Dumb And Dumber - Investors.com

..."Wage insurance: The bill would let states use unemployment funds to make up the difference between an over-50 worker's previous wage and what he gets paid at his new job. Why not ? Isn't it written in the Bill of Rights somewhere that no American shall ever be forced to take a job paying less than his previous one?"....

...."Sued for hiring: How do you get jittery businesses to hire ? Threaten to sue them if they hire someone who already has a job! At least, that's how the White House thinks. It stuffed in a provision to make it illegal to "discriminate" against the unemployed when hiring."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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