Monday, December 24, 2012

The Left's double standards regarding Gun Control,dictatorships,& ”concern for the innocent”

The Twentieth Century was to a large degree the Totalitarian Century. It was also the Century of mass-mechanized genocide; genocide carried out by states. Despite the twenty million people slaughtered by Stalin,& the twenty some million slaughtered by Mao & the 1.7 million to 3 million slaughtered in the Killing Fields & the God-knows-how-many slaughtered in World War Two we are still being told that "only the Police & Military can be entrusted with guns".
When this country was founded there was a bitter debate among the Founders. The debate was not about whether people should be "permitted" to own guns;it was about whether the Congress should be permitted to maintain a standing army i.e. to maintain a army in peace time.
That is how far we have come. We have gone from a society which debates whether the state can be entrusted to maintain a army in peacetime,to a society where we are told that only the state can be entrusted with guns.
We are told that arguing for gun control i.e. for disarming the innocent,is ”courageous”. Perhaps the truly "courageous" question to ask--in the wake of the gas chambers--is whether the STATE can be entrusted with assault weapons. While I still believe that a standing Army is a necessary evil, asking such a question would be necessary first step towards reestablishing,(in our minds),the proper relationship between the state & the people. That relationship being one where the state is the servant of the people & the people are masters of their fate.

There is another point that I wish to make: Leftists are constantly warning us that the U.S. is in danger of becoming a dictatorship. They warn us of this when the government wiretaps people's phones,& when the government tortures terrorists or accused terrorists. They warn us of this when people suggest using profiling,& they warn us of this when Arizona passed it's immigration bill. There is one glaring exception to this though:whenever leftists seek to enact gun control they deride or mock anyone who suggests that the U.S. may become a dictatorship. Never mind that such fears date to the dawn of the Republic;such fears are "paranoid" we are told. We are told this while our government performs body cavity searches on four year olds,& while both Republican & Democratic Presidents agree that they can detain anyone indefinately ,so long as they declare them to be a member of Al-Qaeda,& while the Government is amassing massive files on innocent people (fn1) & while the DHS seeks to fly Unmanned Aerial drones over the United States,drones whose purpose is to monitor crowds for "dissonance" (fn2) (And yes many conservatives are equally unconcerned about civil liberties when it comes to searches & seizures)

And what of the Press,that guard against tyranny? We have the media again fawning over Bloomberg when he calls for gun control ,just as they did after the Times Square Bombing,when he dismissed the possibility that the Times Square bombing was carried out by Islamists,(this despite the fact that 9/11 was carried out by Al-Qaeda),choosing instead to fantasize that the attack was carried out by members of the Tea Party.(fn3)

That same media refused to acknowledge any link between Nidal Hasan & Islamism,yet rushed to concoct ties between the Giffords & Aurora shooters & the Tea Party (fn4),& now professes concern over violence.
That same media white-washed Obama's record on "Fast and Furious" a program whose likely purpose was to CREATE a justification for gun control by placing innocent people at risk,yet now professes to be concerned about violence(fn5).
The Media seeks to exploit murders for their own agenda,they did this when they tried to silence Rush Limbaugh in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City Bombing,when they sought to create a new smear-term "anti-government". (fn6)

Atrocities are opportunities to them.

As to Obama himself? In addition to "Fast & Furious" Obama offered us the grotesque spectacle of his giving a "shout-out" to a supporter in the audience while we waited for him to address the atrocity (fn7). He also "mourned" the Tucson shooting while handing out t-shirts with his slogan on them at a "memorial" that seemed more like a political rally. (fn8)
I see no need to pretend that this is a man who cares about innocent human life.



Federal Government Reportedly Vastly Expands Big Data Spying, Includes Innocent Citizens - TechCrunch


Drones In U.S.: More Unmanned Aircraft Will Be Flying In Domestic Airspace By 2015 (VIDEO)

Homeland Security increasingly lending drones to local police - Washington Times


Liberals accuse Tea Partiers of role in failed Times Square car bomb attack | The Daily Caller


Mainstream Media Quick to Blame Tea Party for Shootings With No Evidence

The Usual Suspects: ABC's Ross, Stephanopoulos Point to Tea Party in Dark Knight Shooting <em>UPDATE:</em> ABC Corrects, Apo...


Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up:Amazon:Kindle Store


Clinton Rewrites History, Shifts Blame for Oklahoma City Bombing - The Rush Limbaugh Show


Obama gives a shout-out before addressing tragedy - YouTube

Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago


New World Grief...T-shirts anyone? #gabriellegiffords #tcot #tlot #tpot #teaparty - fightingstatism

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