Monday, October 4, 2010

Poll finds Americans not trigger-happy on Iran - Laura Rozen - #Freeiran #jcot #iranelections @JIDF

..."A new poll commissioned by CBS's "60 Minutes and Vanity Fair magazine finds seemingly low support for a preemptive U.S. attack on Iran , the monthly poll, conducted by CBS's News Election and Survey Unit, asked, "Which would cause you to support a U.S. war with Iran? 1. If Iran tests a nuclear bomb,2. If Iran attacks Israel,or 3. If Iran attacks the U.S. fleet in the Persian Gulf, or 4. Only if Iran attacks U.S. soil, or 5. Would you never support a war with Iran?" 25% of respondents said "only if Iran attacks U.S. soil;" an additional 25% said "If Iran attacks the U.S. fleet in the Persian Gulf;" 11% said "If Iran tests a nuclear bomb;" and 10% said "If Iran attacks Israel." 24% of respondents said they would never support a war with Iran."...

RRD:In other words if Ahmadinejad brings about Holocaust 2,10% favor not using the military,AND IF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS ATTACKED & OUR CITIZENS EXTERMINATED 25% FAVOR TAKING THE ATTACK.Of course the poll could be fabricated,but what would that say about 60 minutes & Vanity Fair.

Posted via email from theneointellectual

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