Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama courts La Raza/ABC again equates Mexican-American & "Latino",I correct them #latinosarenotmexicans #tcot #teaparty

The Presidential Planner: Obama Courts Latino Voters - Political Punch

RRD:My comment posted to the website.

....""Latino" is not a synonym for Leftist Mexican-American.I know.I am partially of Spanish Descent.I am not a Mexican.Nor are Cuban-Americans,Portuguese-Americans,Puerto Rican Americans,Guatemalan-Americans,Colombian-Americans,El-Salvadoran Americans etc.Why not speak of courting "Anglos"(like you know,the British,Australian,& Americans,who,after all,all speak the same language,and therefore have no differences.)Do you group Jews and Irish Catholics together?And no "Immigration"(by which you mean the status of illegal immigrants)is not important to "Hispanics".What personal interest does a puerto rican,or cuban american have in the immigration status of Mexicans?They may have a political interest,but in that they are no different from whites.The Democratic Dream of fusing Latinos into some kind of racial block is just that.A dream. "

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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