Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Return of the the ”Wise Men” #tcot #2012

RRD:I am not sure whether the author is pulling our collective leg;I certainly hope so,but given the insanity of our world,who knows?

PJ Media » Mitt’s the Nominee. Get Used to It.

....”There was once a time when both Republicans and Democrats had party elders. These were called, because of their actual gender, the Wise Men. Some had served in elective office, many were Wall Street and Washington lawyers who’d been Supreme Court clerks in their youth, others were captains of industry. A few were respected professors (an oxymoron today). All had a basic sense of how the world works. And how it doesn’t.

The Republican Party has a precious few: former Senator Alan K. Simpson of Wyoming, who did yeoman service as co-chairman the Simpson-Bowles commission only to have the president who appointed him say, “Who cares? I don’t.” There’s also former United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate minority leader; George P. Schulz, the 91-year-old former secretary of state; Henry A. Kissinger, the 88-year-old former secretary of state; former Utah Senator Bob Bennett; former President George Herbert Walker Bush; former Senator Bob Dole; and a handful of others.”

I will assume the author is serious.
Lets go down this list of losers(excluding Schulz).

Sandra Day O’Connor:
A Participant in the Anti-Israel Iraq Study Group.
A judge notable only for her Gender and her ideological incoherence.

Alan K. Simpson:
Fellow ISG alumnus,clown,a fool who embodies everything milquetoast about the GOP.

Mitch McConnell:

Where shall I begin with this wretch?
At a time when we were desperately struggling to stop Obamacare this traitor cuts a deal so they can go home for Christmas since "the vote was a forgone conclusion"
Missed several opportunities to slow down the passage of the legislation.In league with the loathsome Murkowski.

George P. Schulz:
All I recall about Schulz is that he refused to issue Arafat a visa.For this he deserves credit.

Henry A. Kissinger:Realpolitik,Pinochet,nuff said.

Former Senator Bob Bennett:Why former?Oh,yes the Teaparty kicked out the bastard for supporting the Individual Mandate in Wyden-Bennett.
Talk about returning to your vomit.

George Herbert Walker Bush:
Oh god,where shall I begin with that Son-of-a-bitch?
Read my lips?Gun control?The chicken kiev speech?Voodoo economics?Telling Israel not to respond to its citizens being murdered by Husseins SCUD missles,so that his beautifully crafted coalition would not break up;which meant,in practice,so that anti-semitic barbarians could celebrate the sight of dead jews.
For which, Israel was rewarded with ineffective Patriot Missles ,and the betrayal at Madrid.

Or perhaps I should begin with,his calling Hussein ”worse than Hitler”,talking about new Nuremberg trials,then calling upon the Iraqis to overthrow Hussein,and THEN giving Hussein permission to slaughter them,AND THEN CALLING UPON THEM TO RISE UP AGAIN.

Bob Dole:
The man who kept referring to himself in the third person.
The man perpetually interested in "getting things done",even if those things violated individual rights.
The man whose "turn it was" ,to go up against Clinton.
And who lost.

This is a list,(Schulz excepted),of people who represent everything wrong about the GOP,and everything that the Teaparty is rebelling against.

Assuming the author was serious,why on earth cite this herd of Rinos unless she is totally out of touch with the GOP base,or unless she yearns for a return to the Rockefeller Republican era.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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