Saturday, June 30, 2012

Portman potential VP betrays us on Reconciliation. #tcot #tlot #teaparty

For Opponents of Health Care Law, No Easy Road to Repeal -

....“You can’t get everywhere with reconciliation,” said Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio, referring to the Congressional process that Democrats used, which allows certain budget measures to pass with 51 votes instead of the 60 that would be required to block a filibuster vote on a full repeal. “You will need to use other procedures,” he said. He added later: “We may get a majority. But we will need to work with the other side.”.

RRD:This is a lie.
It was passed through Reconciliation & it can be repealed through Reconciliation.
The only way it could not is if the Democrats changed the rules and Repblicans refused to change them back.
That or Republicans want to keep some "goodies" in the bill.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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