Monday, August 20, 2012

Demented #GOP Rep. says something called "legitimate rape" rarely produces pregnancy #womensrights #tcot #tlot

RRD:The Republican candidate for one of Missouri's Senate seats,Rep.Akin, believes that something that he calls "legitimate rape" rarely produces pregnancies.Presumably by ”legitimate” he meant ”actual” or ”real” but even if we grant that,that merely moves him from being a advocate of Raping women to being ”just” a buffoon.

Akin on "Legitimate Rape" - YouTube

"It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down," he said.”

RRD: The genius did not specify what ”ways” he was referring to:Magic?Telepathic signals from the uterus to The Stork telling it not to bring the baby,perhaps?

”Let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something. You know, I think there should be some punishment. But the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child," he said.”

Controversial Akin comment on rape sparks firestorm - The Hill's Video

RRD:Translation:women who are raped must be forced to give birth.
The results of this buffoon's statement were predictable:
"Moderate" Republicans and the Romney campaign denounce him(fn1),while some Republicans(Erick Erickson fn2),try to explain away and downplay his statement,while Debbie Wasserman-Schultz tries to tie this creature to Romney.(fn3)
This last is particularly ironic given the fact that there is someone much closer to herself (than Akin is to Romney) that has made outlandish & inexcusable comments:one of her aides(fn4)yet Wasserman-Schultz
believes that, that person should be forgiven & would look askance at anyone who suggested that she(DWS) was to blame for her aide's comment.(fn5)

In any event Akin must step down.

National GOP pulls funding from Todd Akin’s Missouri race - The Washington Post

The Todd Akin Fiasco « Commentary Magazine



Fellow Republican Rehberg calls Akin 'legitimate rape' comments 'reprehensible' - The Hill's Ballot Box

Sen. Brown calls for Akin to step down as GOP Senate nominee - The Hill's Ballot Box


Todd Akin’s Dumb Comment vs. Obama’s Support of Infanticide | RedState


Dem Party chief: Akin and Republicans want women in 'the Dark Ages' - The Hill's Healthwatch


Democratic staffer puts on Jewish version of a minstrel show. - fightingstatism


Wasserman Schultz says "jewbag" aide should be forgiven,while DNC communications director says she is being "smeared" #jcot #2012 - fightingstatism

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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