Monday, August 13, 2012

John Mccain: useful idiot of the Muslim Brotherhood #jcot #tcot


John Mccain: useful idiot of the Muslim Brotherhood

RRD: I am posting this both because it needs posting to document the bi-partisan idiocy on Egypt
and because it is my answer to those who say:"Surely you don't think that a Mccain presidency could have been as bad as a Obama one” and also to those who say ”at least the Republicans are strong on Foreign Policy”.
Some may be but that is not a given anymore.

McCain & Graham [Heart] the Muslim Brotherhood - By Andrew C. McCarthy - The Corner - National Review Online

February 13,2012

Senator John McCain: An unlikely Brotherhood ally | GlobalPost

"First of all, Islamic extremists are not in power. The power is still being wielded by the military junta [RRD:Not anymore see Rubin below] that took over,by the way who are, they and the last vestiges of the Mubarak regime, keeping Americans in a situation where they have to go to the US embassy. So, it’s not the Muslim Brotherhood who’s doing this, it’s the remains of the Mubarak regime."

”In the case of Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood is split. They have not obtained power yet. There are groups of them that want to have good relations with us. They may be an Islamic country, Israel is a Jewish state. So let’s wait and see”

Sen John McCain schools Sean Hannity on Egypt and Arab Spring Feb 13 2012 - YouTube


RRD: You see Egypt is a ” Islamic Country”, just as Israel is a ” Jewish State”;so what's the difference?Other than the Muslim Brotherhood's rabid anti-semitism,rabid misogyny,hostility to freedom and Christians,and commitment to a global Islamic theocracy which murders apostates and stones adulterers,well,not much.
And besides didn't Israel once forbid public buses from running on Saturday?

This is a speech by Mohammed Morsi,now president of Egypt.

Morsi during Elections Campaign: Jihad Is Our Path, Death for the Sake of Allah Is Our Aspiration - YouTube

RRD:Now Robert you're scaremongering,after all,don't our own Presidential candidates say that death for God is their goal...Oh wait!They don't.Indeed to find the closest Western equivalent you have to look to fascist and totalitarian movements.

More on both Morsi & the Brotherhood in general:

Rubin Reports » Egypt: There Goes the Army; There Goes the Free Media; There Goes Egypt

Top Egyptian presidential candidate doubts al Qaeda role in 9/11 - Washington Times

The Makeover of Mohammed Morsi | FrontPage Magazine

Morsi Promises to Free 'Blind Sheik' from U.S. Prison -

Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule, says Muslim cleric[at Mursi campaign event]

'Every aspect of life is to be Islamicized [under Morsi]JPost - Middle East

Meet your presidential candidate: Mohamed Morsy,the substitute | Egypt Independent

Meet your president: Mohamed Morsy | Egypt Independent

Muslim Brotherhood leader:We must raise “a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life .” #egypt #Jan25 | Glory to man in the highest

Polls of Egyptians showing that 82% of them support stoning adulterers
& 84% support killing apostates.

Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Muslim Brotherhood plan to "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within" t - Americans for Freedom in Iran

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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