Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mitt Romney: The Magically Malleable Man of Mystery RedState #teaparty #wethepeople


...."He refused to support George Bush’s tax cuts in 2004, but in 2007 claimed he had always supported them. In 2002, Romney refused to sign the Americans for Tax Reform pledge, but in 2007, Romney signed it. In 2002, Mitt Romney wanted heaving federal regulations on campaign finances. Back in 1994, Romney even wanted a cap on congressional election spending and wanted to ban political action committees. By 2007, Romney was attacking McCain -Feingold, which did much of what he previously had wanted. In the 1992 Presidential Primary in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney voted for Paul Tsongas. He contributed to numerous Democrats and, i 1994 while running as a Republican, praised Bill Clinton as doing “a lot of things that make sense.” More troubling, in 1994 Mitt Romney campaigned against the Contract With America calling it “too partisan.” He also insisted he was an independent during Ronald Reagan’s years in office, balking at Ted Kennedy’s attempts to connect Romney to
Ronald Reagan. By 2005, Mitt Romney claimed Ronald Reagan was his political hero. On the second amendment, Mitt Romney supported the Brady Bill and Assault Weapons ban in 1994, but by 2007, Mitt Romney oppos gun control measures. At one point in 2007, Mitt Romney claimed he owned a gun and then admitted he did not."...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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