Friday, November 18, 2011

Will the #Teaparty return to it's vomit,& choose Romney?

RRD:Will the Teaparty return to it's vomit?Proverbs 26 uses the metaphor of a dog returning to it's vomit for a fool who never learns.(fn1).That is what I feel when watching the grotesque efforts of supposedly conservative commentators to push Romney,Gingrich(fn2) or other RINOS on us for 2012.
First Coulter shills for Chris Christie--a supporter of the global warming mythology and buddy of Islamists,now she shills for Romney.According to Coulter Romney will repeal Obamacare--he won't.
Yes,I know he has said that he will,he also said that "he did not want to go back to the policies of Reagan-Bush"(fn3),and denied being a Republican during Reagan's tenure(fn4),he is a liar.He tells people whatever they want to hear to get elected.Indeed Coulter says as much in the article.
If he were to be elected we would suddenly begin hearing that "they don't have the votes to repeal Obamacare",or to do a full repeal,or that "we should make Obamacare work",or we can't afford to lose the independents in the 2014/2016/2018.... elections.
How do I know this?
How do I know that Al-Zawahiri will not simply turn himself in?
After all,he has free will.
He "might" do this.
All I have to go on is his past and reason.And reason tells me that Romney is a liar,that he is a Rockefeller Republican who regards National Health Care(along with Cap and Trade) as "inevitable",& that he views the Teaparty as a group of kooks who need to be "reined in",and "managed".There is no earthly reason to believe that Romney will buck the entire Washington Establishment to repeal Obamacare.It's insulting to the intelligence to claim otherwise.
"But Romney will need to repeal Obamacare if he wishes to be reelected"?Why?If "they don't have the votes"(and they won't)then "surely we can't blame Romney for the failure to repeal Obamacare",and "you can't let the GOP lose in 2014...2016...2018"... ad nauseam.
So long as we are prepared to elect Rockefeller Republicans,the GOP has no need to change.
How many times do you think you can betray people and get away with it?But there's a chance that Romney will repeal Obamacare?Sure,and we will be told this again after Romney fails to repeal Obamacare in 2012.There is always "a chance",and so long as we elect RINOS there always will "a chance",& only "a chance",& nothing more.Did people forget the fact that there WAS a GOP majority under Bush,and there were GOP defections on a number of issues?For that matter did people forget that Bush ushered in "Compassionate Conservatism"
How many times will we hear "just hold your nose because we have to get through this one election"?Does Coulter think we've forgotten that this line was used in 2004,and 2006,AND 2008,AND the Scott Brown special election?
I voted for the GOP in 2010 to stop Obama;the result?The GOP broke their promise they made to cut spending by $100 billion,AND passed a debt ceiling increase that has a "trigger" for slashing Military spending while leaving the expanded welfare state untouched.Now Lamar Alexander is demanding HIGHER TAXES and Hensarling,who intially opposed higher taxes is retreating(fn5).In short the very GOP that went to Washington to stop Obama is helping him to institute his policies.
We could very well see BOTH higher spending AND higher taxes under Romney just as we did under Bush 2,and under Bush 1 respectively.
What will we be told if Romney fails to repeal Obamacare in 2012,& faces Obama(or some other Democrat) in 2016?
Will Coulter suddenly say that it's acceptable NOT to vote for Romney?
Of course not.
What's more supporting Romney means choosing as our standard bearer a man who will give Obama a moral victory that he can't possibly win on his own by "conceding" that the state has the right to force us to buy health insurance,and that global warming is real.Years from now,when another Democrat is in the White House he will point to the "bi-partisan consensus" on Global Warming,just as Obama pointed to "practical" Republicans like Bennett who "conceded" that the state has the right to force us to buy health insurance;to disarm his critics.
So long as the the Republicans are one iota less destructive than the Democrats we will have people like Coulter mocking anyone who wants to save this country,(as opposed to supporting ABO: Anyone But Obama) as "purists".To which I would respond;better a political purist,than a political slut.
How many times will we be told that it is practical to eat our own vomit?And how many times will we be played for fools?If Romney gets the nomination it will be time to say: "wretched GOP,adieu!"

If Not Romney, Who? If Not Now, When - Ann Coulter - Townhall Conservative,_who_if_no...

P.S. : At some point I expect we will see "7 stages of grief" articles by Romney supporters,saying that opponents of Romney are "in denial".I was told similarly condescending things when Obamacare was passed,and (for that matter) when Obama was running for President.Indeed some OBOTS "informed me" that I WOULD vote for Obama,I "just needed to hear him speak",he could unite us,blah blah...
The pixie dust of condescension did not work then & will not work in 2012.

More Links:

Who should we support for the #2012 election:Why we need better candidates.Part 2: Romney #obamacare #tcot #tlot #teaparty - fightingstatism

Mitt Romney: The Fruitcake of 2012 Presidential Candidates | Don't Let It Go


Is RomneyCare Different from ObamaCare? | John Goodman's Health Policy Blog |

What Mitt Romney did to Massachusetts | The Right Scoop

Mitt Romney defends Massachusetts health care law in Las Vegas speech - Kasie Hunt -

Mitt Romney defends individual mandate in Nevada | The State Column

We Stand FIRM: More Massachusetts Gaming

The failure of RomneyCare, doctor shortage edition | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

We Stand FIRM: Lucidicus On RomneyCare

We Stand FIRM: Massachusetts Unravelling

We Stand FIRM: Flirting With Unintended Consequences in Massachusetts

PJ Media » Massachusetts: The Canary in the Coal Mine for ObamaCare

Behold the 1099-Romney

Romney, Gingrich Flunk Poli-Philosophy

Mitt Romney on health care, then and now -

Romneycare a big bust -

Truth Squad: Romney's Health Care Speech - Interactive Feature -

RomneyCare could be radioactive for GOP | Philip Klein | Columnists | Washington Examiner Ryan criticizes Romney on health care

RomneyCare Is Problem, Not Part Of The Solution - Latest Headlines -

5 painful health-care lessons from Massachusetts - Jun. 15, 2010

We Stand FIRM: Interview With RomneyCare Author Jonathan Gruber

Romney endorses Global Warming:

Mitt Romney’s Second Gaffe: Endorsing Man-Made Global Warming

And why is it that Cain's flaws ,(or Perry's flaws,or Giuliani's or whoever's flaws),are disqualifying,but Romneycare & Romney's support for Cap & Trade is not?

Why does Pajamas Media keep shilling for Romney? - fightingstatism

My responsa to a Rockfeller Republican re:"Holding our nose,& voting for Romney" - fightingstatism



Proverbs 26:11 KJV

As a dog returneth to his vomit,so a fool returneth to his folly.


Newt Gingrich is not a Romney alternative #tcot #2012 #teaparty - fightingstatism


Romney 1994:I don't want to return to Reagan-Bush policies #2012 #tcot #rino #teaparty #tlot - fightingstatism


Romney Denies Being Republican During Reagan Era (Video) | Yes, But, However!


GOP leader bucks party on taxes -

Hensarling says GOP is willing to consider new Dem tax proposals -

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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