Sunday, January 8, 2012

A open letter to the Romney Campaign on Twitter. #2012

RRD:I see two of your branches Hawaii4romney, & Idaho4romney are following me on Twitter.Presumably either to ”fact check”,/ rebut my posts,or to find out if I am some sort of secret agent working for (take your pick)Gingrich,Santorum or Perry.
As to the former:don't @me,or send me direct messages to ”correct me”.If you wish to publish your critiques on your own stream that's your business,but I do not engage in debates on twitter.If you send me unsolicited messages I will block you.As to the second:I do not support any of the current candidates:Santorum,Paul,Perry,Gingrich etc.If Romney gets the nomination I will encourage people to vote for their local GOP Congressmen & Senators,but to either not vote in the Presidential race,or to vote for a third party candidate,such as Gary Johnson.I would do this because your candidate's support for the Individual Mandate & Anthropogenic Global Warming makes him a ideological fifth columnist.Again if you are following me to rebut my statements on your own streams that's fine.But if this turns into some weird form of Cyber-stalking,or some form of harassment I will publicize your actions & contact my attorney to see what my legal options are.


Posted via email from fightingstatism

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