Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Castro apologist /Michael Moore declares war on Harry Reid: ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’ #tcot #tlot #2ndamendment

Michael Moore declares war on Harry Reid: ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’ | Mobile Washington Examiner

...... “This is just going to keep going on and on and on,until people rise up,” Moore insisted. “Until people take Harry Reid by the collar and say, ‘Who the hell do you think you are, this is our country Harry Reid.’ “He should be ashamed of himself,” Morgan agreed. Moore asserted that Reid would act differently “if a man with an assault weapon killed Harry Reid’s grandchildren,” berating the Senate leader for being
a coward. ”......

RRD: Well we know what Moore is:

No I really do not think that Castro apologist M.Moore's desire to have pictures of the dead Sandy Hook children shown is due to his concern for human suffering #tcot #tlot #2ndamendment - fightingstatism

......``You are being told that your mother died trying to bring you to freedom. I am so sorry to have to tell you, that's not true. The Cuban court granted your father custody of you, and your mother decided to kidnap you. She placed your life in horrible jeopardy by putting you in a leaky, overcrowded raft that eventually sank, killing everyone except you and two others. . . . The worst that could be said is that, in Cuba, you were in jeopardy of receiving free health care whenever you needed it, an excellent education in one of the few countries that has 100% literacy, and a better chance of your baby brother being born and making it to his first birthday than if he had been born in Washington, D.C.”.... .

RRD: In his latest rant Moore went on to say that he hasn't forgotten Columbine (neither have I ,I just don't use it as a rationalization to disarm the innocent ) & added that "he's been busy" . True,he was making a film --Fahrenheit 9/11-- which warned of threats to our liberties posed by the Bush administration's anti-terror policies. Oddly Moore--unlike some other more consistent people on the left-- is not making movies about the threat posed to our civil liberties by Obama's anti-terror polices even though many of the policies that civil libertarians objected to under Bush to are still there.
But then it isn't really that odd is it? After all Moore as a apologist for Castro's dictatorship really was never concerned about civil liberties,any more than he is concerned about Sandy Hook, which serves his purpose of turning the country into a authoritarian state. Or to be precise an authoritarian state under the ”right” leadership.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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