Wednesday, August 25, 2010

CBO's deficit projections on #obamacare omitted that they depended on tax increases #repealit #tcot #tlot

From "Obamacare:bending the cost curve upwards":by Kyle Wingfield
...."Keith Hennessey discovers a valuable little ObamaCare nugget in a new report by the Congressional Budget Office"....

...."..Only now does CBO tell us in a parenthetical“Taking into account all of the provisions related to health care and revenues the two pieces of legislation were estimated to increase mandatory outlays by $401 billion and raise revenues by $525 billion. This is a very different picture. Imagine two scenarios of a lawmaker who was on the fence last March. He or she is a Blue Dog Democrat, or a Democrat from a fiscally conservative red district, and is deeply concerned that the legislation may be fiscally responsible. He is presented with two different statements from CBO 1. “CBO says these bills will reduce the budget deficit by $124 billion over the next decade.” 2. “CBO says these bills will increase federal entitlement spending by $401 billion over the next decade, and will increase taxes by $525 billion over that same time period, for a net deficit reduction of $124 billion. These are very different statements. Both are true. CBO said only the first when Members
looking to understand the fiscal impacts of this legislation."...

Posted via email from theneointellectual

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