Friday, August 6, 2010

Dems try to change #filibuster w/o 67 votes #DISCLOSE #tcot #tlot #teaparty

RRD:The human debris who occupy our Capitol have contempt,(or indifference),towards our rights.(And YES I am talking about many in both parties).Anything that slows down or stops these fools,so long as it does not violate the Constitution,is good.I
support judicial filibusters,& do not believe that they are unconstitutional.It is imperative that we do everything possible to slow down,& stop,the violation of individual rights.The fact that there are those who believe that Congress is unpopular because of "gridlock",(as opposed to passing laws that the majority do not agree with),shows,once again that there is no limit to the capacity of humans for self delusion.

...."Many Democrats have grown serious about ending what they regard as GOP abuse of the filibuster rules, before their legislation meets the same stalled fate in the 112th Congress, when Democrats anticipate having a smaller majority. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid along with Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois support changing filibuster rules when the new Congress convenes in January. Technically, it takes 67 votes to change Senate rules, an unreachable number, but Democrats are looking at a procedural measure that arguably allows for a simple majority to do the trick at the start of next session. ..... Last Wednesday, the Senate Rules Committee, chaired by New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, held the fourth in a series of hearings on filibuster reform. New Jersey Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg proposed using the movie classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington as a reference point. Lautenberg said his "Mr. Smith bill" would keep the three-fifths majority requirement to cut off
debate, but would force filibustering senators to speak on the floor for as long as they were willing to block the bill, as a lone senator played by Jimmy Stewart does in the 1939 film. A rule established in 1964 permits senators to resume other business during a filibuster. "The filibuster—which used to be an extraordinary event—has become nothing more than a routine dilatory tactic," argued Lautenberg. "And it is now a silent filibuster—you can expend next to no effort to slow down and stop the Senate from considering legislation." ..,.

Posted via email from theneointellectual

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