Sunday, August 22, 2010

Joe Miller vs Murkowski on #obamacare & whether the Constitution is a "living document" #Aksen #Alaska #AK #tcot #tlot #teaparty

From Ace of Spades "The big argument was about Obamacare. Joe Miller renewed his charges that Murkowski's votes to repeal Obamacrare were merely procedural votes and didn't really count while Murkowski responded by showing how each vote was specifically worded to call for the repeal of Obamacare. Miller did nail down the precise difference between himself and Lisa on health care; while Lisa wants to find a government health care plan that works, Miller believes government should have NO ROLE in health care. "

" A secondary argument about the Constitution broke out. Miller asked Murkowski if she had ever voted for an unconstitutional bill, a question which I thought was a bit silly. Lisa responded that every bill she voted for, in her opinion, was constitutional, and rejected a strict interpretation of the Constitution, implying that it is a "living document."....

Posted via email from theneointellectual

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