Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hello,Ann,Clinton /Ann Coulter Tells Gingrich ‘You Can’t Have 2 Affairs & Run For President’ Mediaite #2012 #teaparty

RRD:In her unceasing crusade to get Chris Christie the Vice Presidential nomination Coulter has become increasingly divorced from reality.
We have had,thus far,two serial adulterers(Kennedy and Clinton),three admitted drug users:Clinton,Bush,and Obama,and two Republicans who won public office in spite of a concerted media campaign to destroy them:Reagan and George W.Bush.
I add the last in case Coulter should say:"I meant you can't be a Republican and have affairs and win".
And if Coulter would say:"The Evangelicals won't vote for a adulterer",but they would vote for Romney?
Romney brought Socialized Medicine to Massachusetts,& forced Catholic Hospitals to provide the Morning After Pill(fn1).
Why would they vote for him?
Whether someone who committed adultery should be elected is a separate issue,but Coulter's argument makes no sense.

And of course,if Romney gets the nomination,we will begin hearing about his Secret Mormon Harem of brainwashed child brides.
"You mean....Romney has a Secret Mormon Harem!"
Not yet,but he will,when the MSM has finished with him.

Cut to footage of "Romney's thirteen year old child bride",(actually a 20 year actress and Democratic Party activist),
staring vacantly out into space,and robotically chanting:
"In the Mormon religion,wives worship our husbands as gods",cut to Footage of said "child bride" kneeling to giant poster and shrine of Romney,while newscaster intones:”While the Romney campaign has denied that Romney has a Child Bride Harem,there have been several high-profile cases of Child Brides in the Mormon religion,take for example the Warren Jeffs Polygamous Cult"...


In short,any Republican candidate will be smeared by the news media,the only question is whether they will fight back.

Ann Coulter Tells Gingrich To Go Home: ‘You Can’t Have Two Affairs And Run For President’ | Mediaite



FLASHBACK: Romney Does Flip-Flop and Forces Catholic Hospitals to Distribute Morning-After-Pill |

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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