Thursday, April 5, 2012

It isn't over/Santorum knows his math Campaign #2012 Washington Examiner #tcot #tlot #teaparty

....”Like Huckabee, Santorum believes in miracles. But he seems unwilling to drop out until the math is truly settled. As inevitable as Romney’s nomination seems, the convincing delegate count that led to Huckabee's exit in 2008 does not yet exist. After his win in Wisconsin, the Associated Press puts Romney at 655 delegates out of a needed 1,144. Santorum stands a distant second with 278 delegates.

In March 2008, delegate-rich states such as Texas, California, and New York had already awarded nearly all their delegates to McCain by the time Huckabee dropped. But this year, the Texas election has been delayed by a redistricting lawsuit to May 29. California's primary is June 5, and New York's is on April 24.

Texas might be the clincher this time, after their May 29 primary, but Romney may need to go as far as California to clinch the nomination”.....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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