Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Republicans plan to keep some of the "good" parts of #Obamacare #teaparty #tcot #tlot

RRD:My patience with this nonsense is at a end.

NYT: Republicans Examine Alternatives to Obama health plan

"Several Republicans, like Representatives Michael C. Burgess of Texas and Tom Price of Georgia, are developing comprehensive alternatives, and they wish that more of their Republican colleagues would join these efforts.

"The status quo is unacceptable," said Mr. Price, an orthopedic surgeon who is chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee. "Everybody agrees on that."

In the spring issue of the journal National Affairs, two conservative policy analysts, James C. Capretta and Robert E. Moffit, lay out a road map in an article titled "How to Replace Obamacare."

"Despite the widespread public antipathy toward the new health care law," they write, "simply reverting to the pre-Obamacare status quo would be viewed by many Americans, perhaps even most, as unacceptable."

Mr. Upton said Republicans were already looking at which parts of the Affordable Care Act they would preserve. The "easiest one," he said, is the provision that allows young people up to the age of 26 to remain on their parents' insurance. That option has proved popular and effective.

A more difficult question for Republicans is what to do about another popular provision of the law, which will prohibit insurers from denying coverage or charging higher premiums to people who are sick or have disabilities. Republicans favor incentives rather than a mandate to carry insurance, and they acknowledge that rates could soar unless they find ways to keep healthy people in the insurance pool.

"We'd have to get that balance right," Mr. Upton said.

Many of the Republican ideas are incorporated in bills introduced last year by Representatives Wally Herger of California and Tom Latham of Iowa, both Republicans. These bills, like the new law, would prohibit insurers from imposing annual or lifetime limits on spending for covered services. And they would generally prohibit insurers from canceling or rescinding coverage after a person became sick.

Republicans are still weighing whether to allow insurers to continue charging higher rates to women than to men for the same coverage. The new health care law will prohibit such "gender rating," starting in 2014.

But Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Republican of Washington, said her party was willing to put more federal dollars than the Democrats into one type of assistance: high -risk pools, which offer subsidized coverage to people who are unable to obtain private insurance because of medical problems.”....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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