Monday, April 9, 2012

No loser,you are/ McCain: Santorum’s ‘irrelevant’ CNN #2012 #tcot

McCain: Santorum’s ‘irrelevant’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

.....”Whether Rick Santorum stays in or not, is now basically irrelevant and Mitt has a lot of ground to make up," McCain said on CNN's "Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien." "I'm confident he can make it up, but every day that goes by that he's not in the general campaign is a day lost.”.....

RRD:I wonder if Mccain is too clueless,and full of himself to realize that his statements are hurting,not helping Romney?
The fool who botched his campaign beyond belief & effectively threw the election to Obama still seems to think of himself as the ”titular head of the Republican Party”.Dear Senator Mccain,newsflash,you are hated by the people whom you betrayed.You revealed your true colors when you
said ”I’ve always done whatever’s necessary to win”(fn1),when you ran against JD Hayworth.But of course you didn't do ”whatever’s necessary to win" against Obama,against the Democrats,doing so would cause the MSM to dislike you,and you couldn't have that now,could you.Yes,you distinguished yourself in Vietnam,and we owe you our thanks for your service there.But we are not obligated to pretend that you are not a fool,and a loser,and a moral coward where politics are concerned;you are one.



McCain: I don’t change my positions « Hot Air

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