Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Discontent among Florida Jews towards Obama's Israel policy is growing #jcot #tcot

RRD:I have long rolled my eyes at the claim(made by my fellow Jews on the right),that Obama will lose even a statistically significant portion of the Jewish vote over his treatment of Israel.

I may have been overly pessimistic.

If these reports are accurate,then there is more discontent among the American Jewish community than I thought.

Much more.

While these are only a handful of cases,they are from a area where ANY public criticism of Obama & the Democrats by the Jewish community is practically unheard of (& when there is criticism,it is almost never reported.)

I have some familiarity with Florida, & except for the Cuban-American areas it is largely,solidly Democratic.

The Florida Jewish community is so solidly Democratic,that a politically conservative Jewish Floridian would not be surprised to see a photoshopped picture of Obama holding the both the Ten Commandments & a copy ”Dreams of my Father” in his hands,in the home of a Jewish neighbor.(Disgusted,but not surprised)

I still believe that Obama will win the majority of the Jewish vote(on average 60-70% of American Jews vote for the Democrat,so there would have to be a MASSIVE shift for Obama to lose the Jewish vote,and I don't see that happening yet),but he may come in with the smallest percentage since Carter if these reports are at all accurate.

Note:due to copyright I am paraphrasing some of this content.

On to the stories:

RRD:Earlier this month a group of Jews critical of Obama's hostility towards Israel,stood up & waved Israeli flags to protest Susan Rice's speech at the B’nai Torah Congregation in Boca Raton.(fn1)


Shame - Obama campaign treats Jews like criminals at Boca Raton synagogue - YouTube

Jewish Protesters Ejected from Amb. Susan Rice Event at Boca Raton Synagogue > New English Review

Further the Washington Beacon reports discontent among other Florida Jews.


Bimah Brawl | Washington Free Beacon

The Beacon reports:

That Florida Rabbi Sam Intrada, "a self -described lifelong Democrat " said:

“I see a trend here in South Florida where some synagogues of late are only presenting prominent speakers who represent partisan policy perspectives, and other points of view are silenced,” ... “The liberal idea of pluralism is grossly lacking in these situations.”...“This trend to keep out centrist, moderate, mainstream concerns about Israel and stifling discussion about them is very painful to me,” .... “many people in these synagogues are troubled about the situation.”....“I do not know who is applying pressure to prohibit such discussion, but it is a travesty,”

The Beacon:

”Wasserman Schultz, known for her aggressive pro-Obama tactics, was originally scheduled to deliver a speech about Israel during a Shabbat service at Temple Israel, a self -described “progressive Reform congregation” (fn2)that boasts a largely liberal membership.

Stanley Tate, a highly regarded philanthropist and Republican activist, objected to the presentation of a one-sided political speech about the Jewish state and proposed to offer a rebuttal.

Ben Kuehne, the synagogue’s Democrat -aligned president , refused to give Tate a platform, causing the wealthy member to resign from the temple and take a delegation of prominent members with him.”...

See also:

Temple Israel cancels Wasserman Schultz speech - Florida -

RRD: Tate also claims about 30 synagogue congregants have quit as a result.
Kuehne,is a Miami defense attorney who served as a legal counsel to former Vice President Al Gore during the 2000 presidential election recount,& is reportedly a Obama surrogate.

Wasserman-Schultz also spoke to a Aventura,Miami Congregation the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center.(fn3)
The Beacon reports that Eytan Laor,a congregant of the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center,said that Wasserman-Schultz

.... “spent time talking about the Obama-Israel relationship,”

and that Wasserman-Schultz said that

..“Behind closed doors, Israel has had no better friend then Barack Obama,”

Laor expressed concerns that: “the alternative side is not being given a chance to talk,”

and that

“There’s not really any debate allowed. The only ones allowed to speak are members of the administration.”
Laor added that he spent months trying to arrange for Rep.Allen West to speak at the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center.

Wasserman Schultz was also scheduled to speak Tuesday evening at Adat Shalom congregation in Detroit.
This led to criticism by Detroit Jews.


Talking Tachlis: Debbie Does Detroit - Tonight 6 PM Adat Shalom Synagogue



Note:Boca Raton is in Palm Beach County,the northernmost of the three counties in the ”Tri-County area" that makes up what is popularly called ”South Florida”; the three counties being Miami-Dade,Broward(home to Ft.Lauderdale),& Palm Beach.The Florida Keys,for some reason,are not considered to be part of what is commonly called "South Florida"even though they are the Southernmost part of Florida,perhaps due to their small population.


American Jews are divided into several denominations.

Reform Jews make up the vast majority of American Jews.

The Reform school of thought is known as "Liberal" or "Progressive" in other countries.

This is NOT a political category,(the beliefs of some Reform Jews notwithstanding).

The Conservative denomination--again not a political category--is the second major school,& the Orthodox denomination is the third major school.

In addition to the "big three" there are also the Reconstructionists (a new denomination that broke off from the Conservatives,no relation to the Christian Reconstructionists ) and the various Ultra-Orthodox denominations,and assorted other denominations.

While it is true that--statistically --Reform Jews are overwhelmingly politically liberal,(& that the Ultra-Orthodox tend to be more Republican)there is no political oath of allegiance involved in belonging to a denomination.(e.g. Sen.Joseph Lieberman is Orthodox,there are Libertarian Reform Jews & so forth)


Aventura is in northernmost Miami-Dade county,bordering the overwhelmingly Democratic Broward County.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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