Thursday, May 24, 2012

Heather Wilson is member of #RINO group which wants to keep the "good parts" of #obamacare Her website says she supports "repealing and replacing thee bill but does not say what Obamacare would be replaced with.

New Mexico Republican Senator Heather Wilson is member of RINO group in favor of keeping the ”good parts” of Obamacare.She herself favors ”repealing & replacing the bill” but does not explain what Obamacare would be replaced with.She has supported Kyoto-like environmental regs,& TARP & boasts of her bi-partisanship so there is reason to be concerned.

The American Spectator : Greg Sowards Battles Queen RINO

”In an ominous development that may affect conservative support for a second spot on a Romney ticket, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has joined with Murkowski in opposing conservative Sowards. In Christie's case, the endorsement came at a $2,500 a head Wilson fundraiser in New York's primo 21 Club. Christie has been making forays around the country, recently for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia and a Kentucky Lincoln Day Dinner. New Jersey media believe his actions are designed to help Romney -- and possibly help Christie onto the Romney ticket.

Which makes Christie's fundraising for Wilson over her conservative opponent a curious approach.

Perhaps the most glaring indication of the "Queen RINO" tag was Wilson's membership in a group called the "Republican Main Street Partnership."

A visit to the group's website shows that it is not devoted to conservatism but rather its chief objective is "to further a centrist, pragmatic Republican agenda." ....

”A startling example of the latter -- the passive acceptance of big government and a watered down leftist agenda -- is the group's opposition to repealing Obamacare.

Says this Republican group:

"We believe that the provisions of Obamacare that are not working should be repealed, that those provisions that are working should be retained…."

Issues | Heather Wilson


”I am running for the Senate because I trust people more than I trust government to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. But that is not what we have today with Obamacare. Obamacare does nothing to control the spiraling cost of care. It raises taxes, cuts Medicare, costs more, and gives people less control over their health care decisions.

For the first time in American history, every citizen will be required to purchase a government approved product. If Washington can mandate how people must spend their money, there is no limit to government power. The law is unconstitutional and if it is not thrown out by the Supreme Court, I will fight to make sure it is repealed and replaced.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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