Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tehran to make propaganda film smearing Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani #iranexecution #humanrights


Pastor Youcef the Movie: Fact or Fiction | Iran, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

.....”However, Mr. Talebzadh has said he will work directly with the Iranian judiciary in producing the film. In announcing that he is in the beginning stages of the documentary, Mr. Talebzadh proclaimed that Pastor Youcef is a criminal and that his death sentence for apostasy is a lie propagated by western media. Clearly, Mr.Talebzadh has not reviewed the court’s verdict, which can be found here (and has been translated into English , Portuguese, and Russian ), because it clearly stated that Pastor Youcef's death sentence is solely for the charge of apostasy”....

Iran responds to Quran burning by making a documentary movie about Nadarkhani!

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

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