Saturday, May 7, 2011

#Chinese response to #Binladen 's death:anti-americanism,criticism of US 's #humanrights record vis-a-vis #China & indifference #gwot #tcot

China chimes in online on Bin Laden’s death | PRI's The World

...."Other online comments seemed to genuinely mourn bin Laden’s demise –comments such as, “yet another anti American hero is lost” and “now the only terrorist left is the United States.” Zhang Xin, the director of the state-run China Central Television’s National Security and Military Channel, wrote “Bin Laden was the greatest national hero in Arab history. He used his own power to fight the most powerful country in the world, America.” ...

...." But the prevailing view in my Beijing neighborhood seemed to be more like this one, from a middle-aged guy named Xie. “So the guy’s dead already. What impact does this have on China?” Xie said. “He didn’t do any acts of terrorism in China" When I mentioned that some Chinese seemed to admire Bin Laden, Xie scoffed, saying, “Maybe the Uighurs” ....

[ Jin] added that it would have been better to arrest and try him than to shoot him in the head. She said Bin Laden deserved to be treated as a human being.[RRD:In the audio she added,apparently without irony,that China,as a country concerned for human rights would object to Bin Laden's shooting]

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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