Monday, May 23, 2011

The irrationality of Obama's speech on Israel is not in the details,it's the whole idea that Hamas will make peace. #jcot #supportisrael #tcot

RRD:Arguing over whether Obama wants land swaps misses the point.Obama's whole premise;that peace can be achieved with Hamas,is insane.It is as if one was focused on the details of the Munich Agreement,while ignoring the fact that the Nazis would violate the agreement.So long as Hamas exists peace is impossible.The only question is not "should there be peace","or how to go about achieving peace",it is:how many Israelis(and Palestinian children turned into human bombs) should die in pursuit of a delusion.The only way peace can be achieved is if the Palestinians throw off Hamas,(which the majority put into office to begin with.),and that is unlikely anytime soon.(And this does not even address the question of Fatah's sincerity).

See here for more links:

Obama's fantasyworld Middle-East vs. Reality #jcot #tcot #supportisrael - fightingstatism

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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