Monday, May 9, 2011

Why is Obama not trying to capture more members of Al-qaeda alive so that they can be interrogated? #gwot #tcot

RRD:HT to Bill Bucko.I should add that I agree with this article for another 2 reasons.1.Obama is still seeking to gut the defense budget.
2.He declared our withdrawal date for the Afghan surge before it even began.

Obama Winds Down the War on Terror | RedState

...."The killing of Osama bin Laden has created a series of dilemmas for the left. My colleagues have detailed the debt owed the Bush Administration which the current administration juvenilely and churlishly refuses to acknowledge . And many on my side are willing “to give the president credit” for doing his duty. According to reports bin Laden’s location has been known to the administration since March with the same degree of certainty that existed on May 1, so I fail to see what credit is really due unless we are saying that indecisiveness is a virtue. Bin Laden’s death will eventually be seen as the unofficial end of the US assault on al Qaeda. We will leave a war not won and forsake a victory that would make the world a safer place simply because Barack Obama doesn’t have the guts to prevail. What is worse, he wants to give the impression of being serious. Intelligence is the key tool in fighting any war. Technical means are valuable but the only way you can obt
insights into the enemy’s operations and intentions is through prisoners. Taking prisoners and getting intelligence from them carries with it three implications: 1) you have a place to keep them, 2) you have a means to extract the information from them in a timely fashion, and 3) you have a plan for what to do with the prisoners when their intelligence value is exhausted. "

RRD:He then cites:

Under Obama, more targeted killings than captures in counterterrorism efforts

And concludes:

...."Our ability to kill or capture terrorists, roll up their networks, and interfere with their operations is being degraded by the lack of fresh information while the administration continues to act like a tee ball team, all the while talking about its “gutsy call.”...

RRD:Let me chip in my own two cents here.Anyone who believes that it is "gutsy" to send men into harm's way(unless you know them, or they are your loved ones) is delusional.It may be a difficult decision,but to speak of it being "gutsy" because of the POLITICAL RISKS to the President,while men are risking being MAIMED,TORTURED and KILLED is indicative of how out of touch with reality the inside the beltway crowd is.Nor is this true just for Obama.There is a long history of this kind of sycophancy dating back to ancient times,but that does not excuse it.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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