Saturday, July 14, 2012

GTH G.H.W.Bush/George H.W. Bush: 'Who the hell is Grover Norquist anyway?' The Hill's

George H.W. Bush: 'Who the hell is Grover Norquist anyway?' - The Hill's On The Money

RRD:The man who betrayed Reagan's legacy,supported gun control,broke innumerable promises,gave us Souter,demanded that Israel not respond to SCUD missile attacks so as to appease anti-semitic savages,betrayed Israel at Madrid,crawled into bed with the Saudis,dismissed the Fatwa against Rushdie as something Rushdie was milking as a publicity stunt
,spat in the face of the Ukranians with his ”Chicken Kiev” speech,called Saddam Hussein "worse than Hitler",& then called for the Iraqis to rise up, and then gave permission to the man he called "worse than Hitler" to exterminate them,this wretch has now urged the GOP to do Obama's bidding & raise taxes.Let me explain this to this disgrace of a man:Obama's goal is to raise spending and then declare it is "irresponsible" not to raise taxes,spending will then be raised again with more "responsible" tax increases to follow,and on and on until everyone in this country is beggared while Obama's successors live like the feudal royalty whom they secretly long to become.(Why do you think Democrats are so enamored with the idea of ”Camelot”).Norquist is buddy-buddy with Islamists and deserves to be damned for that ,but on this he is correct.

If the GOP wants to commit suicide then it should raise taxes,if it wishes to go the way of the Whigs(which it replaced) it should remain tied to the Bush royal family,if it wishes to survive it needs to embrace the Teaparty and what it stands for(at its best ,not its worst):That is, Limited Government and spending restraint.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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