Saturday, July 14, 2012

Justice probe nets Iran nuclear procurement ring - The Washington Post #irannuclear #jcot #freeiran

Justice probe nets Iran nuclear procurement ring - The Washington Post

.....”While U.S. officials have prosecuted similar cases in recent years, the new indictment is considered unusual because the suspects’ shopping list involved so many highly specialized metals and parts known to be sought by Iran for its nuclear program. Among them was maraging steel, a type of high -strength metal used to make advanced gas centrifuges for uranium enrichment.

“This case confirms Iran’s persistence in seeking high -tech goods for its centrifuge program in Europe and the United States,” said David Albright, a former U.N. nuclear inspector who has studied Iran’s nuclear procurement efforts for more than a decade. “Iran remains dependent on foreign supply for many vital goods for its centrifuge program.”

The indictment, returned on Thursday by a grand jury in Washington, names as co -conspirators Paviz Khaki, an Iranian citizen, and Zhongcheng Yi, a Chinese man described as a director of a Chinese company that allegedly facilitated clandestine efforts by Iran to acquire technology and parts. Khaki was arrested in May by authorities in the Philippines following a joint investigation, and Yi is still being sought, court documents said. Two other alleged participants in the scheme were indicted but not named .”....

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

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