Saturday, July 21, 2012

Would new UN treaty make us "recognize economic,social & cultural entitlements as rights"? #tcot #tlot.#teaparty

Steven_Groves_Testimony.pdf Download this file

RRD:Frankly this is the first I've heard of the ”U.N. Convention on the Rights of People With Disabilities”,but when it comes to treaties my view is "distrust until verified".The attached pdf is of the prepared remarks of a Heritage Foundation Scholar Steven Groves,who opposes the treaty and argues
that it affirms the so-called "positive rights" such as the "right" to welfare,the "right" to government funded health care etc.He also warns that as it stands it lacks a "non-self-executing” declaration,which he says is standard in treaties of this kind ,and which are included to prohibit the UN from making rules that are binding on the US government.
With such a declaration the treaty is still binding but the U.S. legislature & courts would decide how to interpret & apply the treaty.
He also notes that in past cases these UN committees have gone far beyond their scope to demanding everything from:voting rights for felons,to ”hate speech” censorship laws,to government funded legal council on CIVIL matters to ”undocumented immigrants”,& to prohibiting PRIVATE companies from ”discriminating” against.”undocumented immigrants”.

Sen. DeMint taps brakes on UN treaty as home-school opposition grows - The Hill's Global Affairs

..."The Senate Foreign Relations Committee was scheduled to take up the U.N. Convention on the Rights of People With Disabilities on Thursday, with the goal of getting it passed in time for the 22nd anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26. Instead, Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass.) announced that he will hold the markup next Thursday, July 26.

A spokesman for DeMint said several Republicans on the committee joined him in asking for the delay.

"Part of this treaty deals with abortion and the rights of children, issues that should be addressed by states, local governments and American parents, not international bureaucrats,"[said] DeMint spokesman Wesley Denton "Sen. DeMint strongly opposes this treaty, as the United States is already the world leader in addressing the needs of the disabled and it’s foolish to think Americans need to sign away our sovereignty to exert our influence around the world."

RRD:The treaty has ”broad bi-partisan support”,including such worthies as Mccain & Barrasso,who
say that it will ”just” establish the ADA in treaty form.
Given that the ADA should be repealed,that is reason enough to oppose it.

The Home School Legal Defense Association said that the treaty:

“surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected U.N. bureaucrats and will threaten parental control over children with disabilities.”

“If the Senate ratifies this treaty,'” ... “it would be the first time ever that the U.S. has ratified a treaty that obligates us to recognize economic, social and cultural entitlements as rights under domestic law. Please take the time to examine this treaty carefully.”

Barrasso's spokesperson:

“The convention offers the United States a forum to utilize our wealth of knowledge and practical experiences to influence other nations in recognizing the rights for people with disabilities,” .... “It can help in advancing policies so Americans with disabilities can receive the same protections while working, studying and traveling abroad, including, very importantly, our veterans.”...

RRD:Oh,& the great G.H.W.Bush also supports it.Which is unsuprising since he is the fool who signed the ADA.

Other links:

How the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities would Threaten the Family

The UN CRPD: A Danger to Homeschool Families



The Inequities of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Posted via email from fightingstatism

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