Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Romney: # Obamacare Was Very Attractive’ Weekly Standard #tcot #teaparty #tlot


....” Moreover, how could Romney assert that Obamacare was — or is — attractive or popular?Republicans won 63 House seats while running against it in 2010. In between 2010 and 2012,Rasmussen Reports conducted more than 80 polls on Obamacare ’s repeal, and in every single one ,the number of likely voters who favored repeal exceeded the number who opposed to it — and always by a margin of at least 5 percentage points . Exit polling during the election itself showed that , even though more voters went for Obama, more voters opposed Obamacare — by a margin of 5 points — even despite Romney’s failure to make the case against it . A CNN poll taken shortly after the election showed registered voters opposing Obamacare by a margin of 10 points ( and independents opposing it by a margin of 22 points ) . In a poll taken just a few days ago , Rasmussen indicated that , by a margin of 19 points ( and 30 points among independents) , likely voters think Obamacare will do m ore damage to the economy than spending cuts will.”.....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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