Friday, January 11, 2013

Psychotic : " "As the president said, if your actions result in onlysaving one life, they're worth taking," #secondamedndment #tcot #tlot

Biden's Faulty Lifeguard Logic - Jonah Goldberg

"As the president said, if your actions result in only
saving one life, they're worth taking,"

RRD: Let me rattle off a brief list of things that would or could "save one life":

Outlawing civilian firearm ownership. Mandating civilian firearm ownership. Outlawing possession of firearms by governments ( remember Stalin's purges,Mao's Cultural Revolution,& the Holocaust) . The Holocaust ( why yes,didn't the Holocaust save "one life"? After all surely some of those killed were criminals who wanted to commit murders of Aryans ) Torturing Al Qaeda members,torturing innocent family members of Al Qaeda terrorists ( hey if it saves one life) Torturing torturers so as to deter torture. Not torturing anyone, ever,even if a nuclear bomb destroys New York City, since you might torture a innocent person by mistake. Performing random strip searches on pedestrians. Summary executions for murderers. Outlawing the death penalty under all circumstances. Ban Catcher in the Rye. Ban Stranger in a Strange land. Ban Taxi Driver. Ban the Bible. Ban the Koran. Ban the Communist Manifesto. Ban cars. Ban Boats. Ban Airliners. Install surveillance c ameras in all our homes. Ban all medications. Legalize all drugs. Do away with parents & have everyone raised by the state. Do away with Foster care. Do away with the police.....

I can go on.How many years do you have? There is virtually no limit to the number of things that "would be worth doing" according to this standard,many of which would cost the lives of one or more innocent people while "saving one life" . This isn't a rational standard. It isn't even a sane standard. It is what one would expect from a 5 year old or a lunatic in a lunatic asylum . But this cliche is routinely invoked by Handgun Control.

Do these fools realize that if one looks hard enough one can find a case of some civilian using a FULLY Automatic class 3 machine gun to save their life? Does that mean that they will suddenly begin advocating that Class 3 machine guns be made more readily available?
"Oh,but he doesn't mean that" ...of course he doesn't,he means that he takes it as a given that there is no right to own a gun,that the lives saved by civilians using guns in their defense are unreal or irrelevant,& that the only thing that matters is any life saved by banning guns.
But he will not say this so instead he pretends that this is merely a matter of permitting Sandy Hooks or stopping them.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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