Monday, January 14, 2013

The ”they'll just nuke us” argument against the #secondamendment #tcot #tlot

Piers Morgan thinks a tyrannical U.S. government is impossible, and it doesn't matter anyway because they'd just nuke us all...

RRD: This explains why the Russians nuked Chechnya & Afghanistan . ....oh wait! This is a widely held straw man which makes perfect sense ...if you know nothing of the history of guerilla movements & resistance movements. These scenarios always seem to pit the combined force of the U. S. Army,Navy & Marine corps, who ( in this rationalistic construct) unfailingly support the regime, against a handful of people armed with semi-automatic rifles,who,in complete defiance of all precedent, would choose to fight the combined force of the U.S. Military,in a open field so that they can be wiped out in one sitting. That no guerilla movement from the Maccabees to the Mujahedin has ever done that is lost on these people. Again,this is not a matter of opinion,guerilla forces are not always successful ,but the claim that they face certain defeat is flatly untrue. To say this is NOT to advocate a Civil War,quite the contrary,far from advocating it I think that many people who blithely talk about ”another 1776” have no grasp of the kind of hell that war is.
A civil war is not a lark or a adventure game where you play at being Robin Hood or Zorro: it means seeing your friends be gunned down or blown up or slowly die of gangrene,& diarrhea & from frostbite in the cold. That is why it is a LAST resort,only to be undertaken if the country becomes a dictatorship ( see Ayn Rand below fn1) . But just as War has an actual meaning, so does dictatorship, if America does indeed become an actual dictatorship the choice would not be between ”fighting with a pen or fighting with a sword” ,but between fighting guns with guns or quite likely being taken out (unarmed ) & then shot in the back & then dumped in a mass grave.



Dictatorship — Ayn Rand Lexicon

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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